Crossfire Fun

Yesterday I faced some puzzles which seemed quite easy at start but seemed more difficult than expected. I would like to share them with you and test the knowledge of the crossfire community. If you think they are too easy, that is probably because they are written down. Try asking them to persons in real life and you would be surprised how many answer them wrong.

If you got some spare time or are traveling in a train for example, try answering the following questions. I have ordered them on three levels of difficulty ranging from easy to hard. Good luck!

  • You got two sockets (power supplies/electricity), two phone chargers and a total of three empty phones. To fully charge 1 phone it takes exactly 1 hour. How long does it take to fully charge all three phones?

  • A baseball and a bat cost 1 euros and 10 cents. The bat is exactly 1 euro more expensive than the baseball. How expensive is the baseball?

  • Divide 30 by a half and finally add 10, what is the answer?

  • Your mother has four children. North, east, south and ... ?

  • Donuts cost 12 cent per dozen. How expensive are 100 donuts?

  • Everybody knows the famous mouse who walks on two legs: Micky Mouse! Now, what duck walks on two legs as well?

  • Mother and father have together 4 daughters. Each daughter has a brother. How many persons does this household consists of?

  • You got three pills. Each half an hour you have to take one pill. How long does it you to take in all three pills?

  • A white mother gets a baby. At first sight she very happy but also very surprised. The baby has a dark skin, dark hair and even dark lips. The question is now, what is the color are the teeth from the baby?

  • A father and son walk through a forest to hunt on animals. All of a sudden a bear jumps out of the bushes and attacks both man. The father dies and the son gets wounded. When the son arrives in the hospital he has to get surgery. The doctor walks in and says "I can't do this, this is my son". How is this possible?

  • There is a lamp in a closed room (no windows, nothing), except a door (can't look through it again). There are three buttons outside the room: A, B and C. Only one of them works to turn the light on and off, the other two don't. It is your task to figure out which one is the working button. You may only open the door once and are not allowed to change the buttons afterwards. How will you solve this?
    HINT: You may change the buttons as often as you want.

  • Same question but now with four buttons: A, B, C and D.

  • Go back to the very first question of the "Easy" list and read it again. What is the fastest (most optimal) way to fully charge the three phones and how long does it take? Credits to Belgium Jere
Feel free to question if some of the questions are unclear to you, will correct them if needed
So, basically, Crossfire is so dead that we have to resort to riddles to keep people visiting..
imagine how irc would look like these days
At least that had a trivia bot ;(
yep it's true, we actually paid Sebhes to post this journal since we're so desperate for visitors

and after all that it still didn't work :/ back to the drawing board I guess...
what next, team? plan A was a partial success, plan B: Sebhes reflects on the success of the "Damon dethroned as 1v1 king" journal?

have it posted by 06/03/16 4CET sharp Sebby
still waiting for my salary
U shud pay me for shitposting. I'll turn this site active again by investing some of the dankest memes on the market right now. Only need a few dollars up front to get it going. Trust me
throw in some rare pepes and we have a deal
The market was flooded with rare pepes not too long ago. I'd rather wait before I open my pepe vault again, gotta wait for the stock to stabilize. I have some "damn daniels" lying around that I need to get rid of, since the stock is already dropping like crazy. If i don't move them till tomorrow I'll be making a loss.

fair enough, proceed
Have another on (dont share pls)


That's a fresh one. You can have it for free but next time I expect payment upfront.
- 2 hours
- 0.05ct
- here the english confuses me (divided by a half?)
either it's 30:2+10=25
or it's 30:0.5+10=70
- west (that's my name)
- every duck
- 7
- 1 hour
- babies have no teeth :S
- maybe the doctor is the father of the son, and the other father is just a random dad who's a friend of the doctor's son
or one of them is his father and the other one the step-father
- idk
- idk
Doing good so far! About the doctor issue, assume that the father is the father of the boy who got injured. No steph fathers involved here
doctor issue: the doctor isnt able to perform this kind of surgery, but his son who is a doctor aswell can, and he introduces him.
I know this sounds silly, but there's absolutely no way, that the doctor might've been a woman and that kids mother, right? ;)
That's because of the english article "the". It's always the same for each gender.
In germany there are 3 articles, "der" (male)", "die" (female) and "das" (neutral), and doctor is usually translated as "der Doktor". Female version would be "dieDoktorin". But in our patriarchal shaped society where equality is still not achieved, it is common to use the male version when speaking of a term which includes people of both - the male and the female - genders. Because of this our subconscious mind is blanking out the existence of a female version, thus the widely occuring failure at this question.
donuts dont cost 12 cents per dozen more like 12 dollars to get something that does not belong in the garbage bag what are you saying
correct me if i'm wrong :)!
my solutions:


baseball + bat = 1.1
(baseball + 1) + baseball = 1.1
0.05 = baseball

30/0.5=60 + 10 = 70


12 cent / 12 donuts = 1 cent/donut -> *100 so 1 euro/dollar for 100 donuts

every duck

household: father/mother + children
2 parents + 4 daughters + 4 brothers = 10 in household

0min:1 -> 30min:2 -> 1h:3


we don't know yet because the baby doesn't have teeth at birth

son has 2 dads (gay dad doctor)?

you press button a and leave it on for 10mins,
then you press button b and open the door directly afterwards, if it's lit you know its b,
if its not lit you feel the glass of the light, if its warm you know its a,
if it's not warm its obviously c

dno :(

you charge 1 battery fully for an hour, but slot 2 you only charge it half an hour and then change it with the third battery
after 1 hour: 1 battery is fully charged and the 2 others are half charged
so you put the other 1 back in there so it takes 30 more minutes for the other 2 battiers to be fully charged which means 1H30min in total
Very good! The ones that are wrong are: easy (d), medium (c), hard (b)

Nice one on the bonus
easy a: well it takes 3 hours to fully charge them if you sum the time it takes but not the time passed...?
medium c: 4 daughters + 1 brother + 2 parents :( i fell for it :'(
hard b: omg its just the mother who can also be a doctor LOLOL, dem stereotypes

edit: really wonder how you can solve hard d...
I meant easy (d), not easy (a), my bad. Rest are correct now. Indeed, people always forget about the doctor thing :D

I actually hard the remaining question once on my exam as bonus question. Fortunately, I knew the answer with 3 buttons. That's why I could also figure out the one with 4 buttons.
ah easy d, fell for it too: it's just my own name if we assume my name is not north, east or south?
People often have trouble figuring out hard B), because of the way the riddle is formed.

Original version:

A father and son walk through a forest to hunt on animals. All of a sudden a bear jumps out of the bushes and attacks both man. The father dies and the son gets wounded. When the son arrives in the hospital he has to get surgery. The doctor walks in and says "I can't do this, this is my son". How is this possible?

Now consider this version:

A father and a daughter walk through the forest and hunt animals. All of a sudden a bear jumps out of the bushes and attacks both of them. The father dies, and the daughter is wounded. When the daughter arrives at the hospital, she has to have surgery. The doctor walks in and says: "I can't do this, this is my daughter." How is this possible?

Would this be hard to solve? It's the exact same scenario, only the son is replaced by a daughter.

The original riddle baits people into thinking they're sexist. I don't approve.
You are pretty smart
LOL that fucking duck question had me googling for a while till i noticed that every fucking duck walks on 2 legs, i feel so stupid
People often tend to say Donald Duck after you introduced Mickey Mouse :P
For the last two hard, u open the door and let it open KAPPAPRIDE
Hahah sebhes noob at math!
I have some thoughts on easy A):

You have 3 phones, let's call them Phone 1, Phone 2 and Phone 3.

You charge Phone 1 and Phone 2 for 30 minutes:
Phone 1 50%, Phone 2 50%, Phone 3 0%. 30min gone.

You charge Phone 1 and Phone 3 for 30 minutes:
Phone 1 100%, Phone 2 50%, Phone 3 50%. 60min gone.

You charge Phone 2 and Phone 3 for 30 minutes:
Phone 1 100%, Phone 2 100%, Phone 3 100% 90min gone.

Answer: 1h30min

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit: I mainly posted this because 2 people already have said 2 hours.
Yea exactly, the original answer was 2 hours. Then Jere showed me a manour to do it in 1.5 hours. That was why I included the bonus
Hard D):

You press button A, then wait 10 minutes.

You press button B, then wait 10 minutes.

You press button C, then enter the room.

If it was button C, the lamp will be lit. If it was button B, the lamp will be hot. If it was button A, the lamp will be warm. Otherwise it was button D.

Assuming it's not a LED light, because in that case you're screwed.
^that's why i didn't know any solution for this question :S too used to LED already
Your thoughts are in the right direction, but how are you gonna determine the difference between hot and warm?
"ouch" and "mmm"
Exactly :D
+1 for the effort. Please keep similar content coming. :)
since i like those kind of stuff it was pretty easy BUT i really liked the question with the duck, you gotta love psychology. and gg hazz 8 : ]
Glad you enjoyed it Aquila!
no more Unforgiven, no more visitors
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