The call of the cats

We send you a plea,
we're a CatiNaHat mix
We ask this from thee,
give us a six-on-six

We look for a foe,
not too good for us
For this we will show,
we might be low plus

We've gathered a hexad,
of players much feline
Such had we not had,
from me they'd hear whine

The players're known as,
Swanidius and woott
Not to forget hazz,
many heads we won't shoot

Raspberry and smak,
will likely too play
And tOMBA has our back,
though late he won't stay

CatiNaHat fun mix
20 CET or 21 CET
/query hazz
god hazz quit being a huge faggot and just type
"6on6 /query hazz"
Stop oppressing me!
wana fait chicken noob bot
ahah playing with woott! best of luck
rather than midget ololol
you're even smaller than me wtf
maeby stand up so you can reach the table lol
snatix!!! ill smash your face on lan bro!

<333333333333333333333333 awesome guy
This beautiful piece of poetry touched my heart. I had tears in my eyes.
once upon a time
a Finnish waited in line
he was finished cause he was dum
but don t trust me on this one

he claimed to be the next Shakerspeare in line
yet he was just a fag ass looking like Kevin Kline
even his mum hated him for this
the morale of the story is
rather than being a grammar nazi on internet
you better shut the fuck up and be happy the Unforgiven you met!
Damn, I really seem to struck a nerve. :D
In hindsight, we probably would've had a better chance of finding a game had I posted the journal 45 minutes earlier instead of writing a poem.

Oh well, live and learn. :D
took u 45 minutes to write some 2 year old kinder garden lyrics? my dog can do it better than you.

I wrote my masterpiece in 3, 2 minutes. Deal with it!
for the sake of everyone there, just fucking shut the hell up you annoying piece of crap, we all know you're just talk, but PLEASE realize that you are a fucking moron
next lan I m gonna use my fist to reshape the molecular structure of your face.

After I m done, Frankenstein monster will be like a top model compared to you. Promise you this!
If you touch my snatix, I feel obliged to woop your ass :x
u gonna woop my ass when Elvis Presley will come back from the grave.

I beat you 5 minutes than I take a break and I beat Snatix 10 minutes than I give him some popcorn and make him watch while I beat you for 20 minutes and so on until the end of the world is coming
This guy :D winning
Beating a girl? You just went lower than the lowest scumshit in the fucking 3rd world country you come from.
smak my bitch up
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