Music producing topic

Hey , CF

I've seen here some people sharing soundcloud links of their producing/composing.
I thought i would like to hear about details (setups and instruments, programs) or maybe even help eachother who knows collaboration?
Winter here in finland was so dark cold and depressing and i decided to kill that time with a little christmas present.

image: 20160305_111909

I've myself made bunch of 87-100bpm loops with reason cause it seemed easiest for me to handle midi sequencer with. But lately i moved away to ableton cause both of these instruments have presets for ableton and i got reason working as slave program for ableton (rewire) + plugin vst can open fl studio too if needed and other vst's. There is bunch of cool stuff out there to figure out ......
If there is people out here who are into that. I hope youre kind enough to share it right here ;)
or just share some nice piece of music you're into.

have a nice sunday , peace!
How about y'all start being modest and call it "writing a song" instead of "producing and composing", what with the laptop speakers and the one octave keyboard and all.
yep well programs allow to change octave with a one toggle button from controller. For a learner right know i feel i got more than enough buttons to practice with. And yeah planning to purchase monitor speakers soon. right now sennheiser headphones help.
also rhythm roulette series are cool things to check out!
I got into music producing and composing and making and writing and whatnot at 2006. Started with Fruity Loops, made random songs for a year and then I quit it at 2007. Haven't go back ever.


P.S. For reference(musical):

what kind of music you make?
Just FL Studio here with lots of vsts & samples ;-)
Can show u some musics if u want, pm.
Most basic skill:

I want to write a book/poem/novel etc.?
--> I learn how to read/write (how to use the alphabet of the language).

I want to "make" music?
---> I learn how to read music notation, how to read music sheet and how to write compositions.

So anybody who "writes a song", "produces a song", "composes a song" and can't show any kind of music sheet for their compositions, are illiterate people who are "smashing just some buttons".

So my suggestion would be to start with the basics and learn music notation.
It is easier to learn when you start by playing an actual instrument.
Music notation is just a representation of ones imagination that shows what pitches should be played at certain points in time. How does not knowing music notation influence quality of composition?
I can say the same for writing/reading:
"Knowing the alphabet is just a representation of ones imagination that shows what words should be read at certain points in time".

Please, don't underestimate the value of being educated. The value can't be valued.

And I didn't say not knowing music notation influence the quality of composition.
But when you want to "produce music", you need to know music notation as that is your ground of composing. But yeah, I forgot. In today's world you call yourself a "producer" when you put some sounds in a loop.
I do not underestimate value of being educated. I just got the impression you think it does influence quality of ones work. Also you don't need to know music notation to "produce music". Do you need notation to use piano roll? (that's basically a stave with squares instead of notes, but the outcome is the same)
And where did you get the idea that people who do not know notation immediately have to create simplistic 4-chord looped compositions? That doesn't make sense.

And as for the alphabet... Yeah some illiterate person can dictate someone who can write whole book. And? Such book can be full of wisdom and very enjoyable, or be boring and dumb. It's the matter of ones imagination if it will be fun or not, not knowing alphabet/music notation. Because those are just means to present/save your ideas.
This is just completely ridiculous... nothing more to add.
Yeah. I bet those analphabet people say the same when you suggest them to learn how to read/write.
Ridiculous, I know.
When I read this, I was like: what a ridiculous reply to a topic like this...
Then: who on earth would reply in such a manner?!
Then I saw who wrote it...
Then it all made sense...

gg Tanbur :D
The guy wanted to talk about composing. I told him to learn the most basic educational level you need for composing.
But yeah, this is 2016 where people think that they don't need to be educated at all.
I mean why need to learn how to sing when you have autotune? Or why need to learn music notation when you can press some buttons on a programm? Indeed gg...
Lots of great musicians can't even read notes.
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