Wolfenstein Content, Taking Requests ;)


So the Trickjump tournament has ended for the time being at least, and with nothing on the horizon to sign up for would need to do something else for the next few weeks. If there is anything Wolfenstein you want to see let me know, I have some small plans but open to ideas.

Come cast the gMen Hearthstone cups. 300+ sign ups
haha, maybe talk to tele he is the nerd there! :D
Tele is casting it yes :)
haha who you calling a nerd, 1v1 me lan bitch.

On a serious note you could do some more of the classic games, those were quite enjoyable. I've also been playing with the idea of hosting a showmatch/4team-minitournament on some uncommon maps. However, i have no idea what maps people would still consider competitively enjoyable while being uncommon at the same.
Venice, Caen, Library, Warbell
Caen, Dubrovnik, tc base
Im down :) deffo more Classic stuff to come, just been a bit lax on that recently :P
Tip & tricks (most useful strike/arti placement) in either RTCW or ET :P
hmm something I thought about was tips & tricks videos but contacting known/respected players in certain 'fields' IE tips and tricks to Rifling on Goldrush featuring "insert respected rifle here" :D
Thing Clown did when he was streaming a few 3on3s last month (or earlier maybe dunno) was that he "shared pro tips", that were sometimes funny, sometimes very useful
Crossfire Community Draft Tournament or some other big tournament !
I don't think I will host/admin a cup again, but we will see. The next draft cup that happens I will want to play it - tele and ohurcool will cast! :D
Plz make some rtcw cup
Champions League
etqw cup
merlinator's rtcw airstrike guide!!
man I still got a feeling I should never let those secrets out ;p rtcw anniversary tournament 2023 and people be using it against me

still gonna show this to my grandchildren
I would like to see some tricks and overall tactics/tips stuff. Or tutorials like the mine tutorial you have for the west radar part on Würzburg Radar, where you show how to put that landmine.

Or for example I remember you saying (when casting the Germans) that Fireball used to play RTCW and like on maps like ET Ice he just knows how to play it cause of having lots of experience and such things. Like what are those stuff? Could you teach us? Most of the nerds here are already on very high level, but people like me appreciate any kind of pro tip that they can get to be a better player.

And thank you for doing this stuff!
I could stream on twitch that kinda stuff, if you're interested: http://twitch.tv/clvvn
Might do it in a few mins if more people are interested.
You should imo upload it to youtube so that stuff can be kept in some form
Or he could just save the vods on twitch? Idk if it dissapears after a while
It disappears after 12 days I think
Inet went down, gg. Was about to end anyways, but for those who missed the stream go to twitch.tv/clvvn and check vod, ill make it a highlight later when im back home. I could show more general map things but I need to know what people want, which map, class, stage etc.

edit: http://www.twitch.tv/clvvn/v/54998440
naughty internetz
There is a lot of nades/rnades/strikes/arties I got saved that I found out by myself (got some uploaded to youtube channel also) - something along the lines like the one you used on goldrush from bridge into the axis spawn at last stage, there is a lot of timings for nades/certain spots that are well known but some that are more uncommon which would be nice to see also
Thank you! Already downloaded the stream as Twitch doesn't keep stuff. Awesome stuff, everything you have showed I didn't know so I appreciate it much! I didn't know you were streaming before, wish to have seen that ones.

To sum it up for people who didn't watch this short video (in order of appearance):
- 1 important positioning spot on ET Ice
- 1 cheeky landmine spot near ammo cabinets on Goldrush in first stage
- Dyno defusing tip by getting revived twice
- Kamikaze nade
- 2 setnade positions on Goldrush
- Truck dyno plant last stage on Goldrush
- West Radar mine on Würzburg Radar
- Arty at Allies CP on Würzburg Radar

Very usefull stuff and I hope to benefit from these tips.

Could you tell how to activate on localhost the red area for mines? I would like to memorize the areas (so when I walk around I am aware of all the spots).

And for a future request, you or Merlinator (or anyone else), as you ask us what we want to see more of; I would like to know nading spots with timings (specially on Goldrush/Supply). Because it is hard to practice nades and there are no kind of tutorials for that stuff (for rifle there are but not for normal nades).

Anyway, thank you guys for sharing your knowledge.
You'll need these files(Added the link to the twitch hl as well) http://www.upload.ee/files/5653728/landmines.zip.html to see the spots where to plant the landmines on most maps. I'll definitely showcase some timed nades next time I stream/record the video.
Don't know if it is just me but /devmap without the landmine pk3 file works on localhost. But with the pk3 file (TheJollyLandminer2.pk3) it is bugged.

For example /devmap goldrush or /devmap sw_goldrush_te:

or /devmap radar

I guess you wouldn't know the reason behind it, right?
Think it's because of a conflict with some other pk3's you got. Maybe some custom maps/map packs. My et_ice looked similar to that when I had some custom etrun map packs. Try to use those on a clean second clean et installation.
Just watched the VOD. For a guy who made it to med- max it's great to hear some of those insides. Love it. Also makes me sad that the greatest competitive game I ever played is dead.
Thanks for the tips! :D
Host RTCW oneday cup Merl! Haven't played the game for too long :<
yea Im not hosting anything RTCW related ever again :)
asks about wolfenstein related then says he isnt intrested in one out of two wolfenstein mp games.
don't be a fag, that's clearly not what he meant
Im not hosting any ET cups either, but my comment before was just clarification because I still get people begging me to organise cups in RTCW
Cos organisation level was much better compared to other cups :)
oh yes, time to rub the dust off the rtcw disc n install it if there is ever going to be a cupzor :D
Why though Merl :C RTCW is sickkkkk
we'll announce a new cup in the next week or so
Pistol Cup 3 vs 3 :D
Merlim8 here is a cookie for everything you are doing for wolfenstein

image: latest?cb=20120618211310
An article about Ingame leading on pro level would be very interesting. Strategy, communication, how they intend to change a critical situation after long minutes of fail attacks, while the time is running out and they have the last chances for victory =)
This would be actually very interesting. Perhaps we can write an article about this subject. Would there be any particular questions you would like to have answered?
RTCW qcon 2003 highlights / movie
Oldschool stuff
Some more classic games maybe
Get a co-caster for extra nostalgia
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