R.I.P. Johan Cruyff

It's a sad day.

Football has lost a man who did more to make the beautiful game beautiful than anyone in history.
image: Johan-Cruyff-Memoriam-hires

Rest in Peace Johan Cruijff
Greatest Dutch football player ever <3 RIP hero

I knew you would make a post about this. If you wouldn't I was about to do.
“Football is simple. But nothing is more difficult than playing simple football.”

R.I.P. Legend.
Ik zag die vanmiddag ook langs komen, mooie quote
Heel mooie woorden Constan, ik ben ontroerd.
R.I.P. broer
"If i wanted u to understand, i would have explained it better"
Beter gaan ze Arena vernoemen naar Johan Cruijff
One of my boss' this morning:

Who died? Who is Johan Struif.

#Facepalm #lol #RIP #F.C.BARCELONA <3
Even in Belgium he was a legend. May you rest in peace!

"Voetbal is simpel: je bent op tijd of je bent te laat. Als je te laat bent, moet je eerder vertrekken."
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