rtcw competitive history

don't know if i ever have enough time or motivation to do this. But what do you guys think of this?
do you like scenes more focussed on the match? or rather just frags?
I have so much 2002-2003 footage that twister didn't use :) and a lot of old warwitch shoutcasts with epic moments

go for it!
There hasn't been a rtcw 'comp' video since Twister did his. I think when you have the extra time you should definitely put more time into this. Good teaser as to what it could potentially be. Go for it homie!
do dat shit brother i almst came watchin this clip
Do it mister!
This is amazing. I wish I played RTCW aswell, or atleast derpRTCW (ET) never died. : ]
GO homie ❤
Definitely scenes with commentary along with that classic wolf music bumping away in the background builds such suspense I love it!
You ask for 40 or so volunteers which will be easy as everyone would kill for a new movie then you give each a few matches to view and record down times/possible scenes over a month or two so your work is cut down by 561 hours and your determination is sky high haha
i would love if people would record stuff themselves and send me the stuff, would make this work a lot easier.. especially cause i haven't viewed all the matches yet that i currently have.. :D but i don't know if i would ever get 40 or even 5 dedicated people help me with this :(
When you say would love if other people recorded and sent you stuff...In what form do you mean?
i can edit x264/h264 based videos in vegas, i immediately render these videos in that format already to save my precious diskspace (compared to having 5gb for a 30 seconds clip).
But then wouldnt it be kind of messy? All different configs and quality, colours etc...?
Or would you give the exact settings for ingame and to record?
I'd love to help actually. So are you saying basically if people are willing to go through and make several complete scene clips you made above you would then compile them together?
yeah i would send the procedure how to replicate everything in my settings :) The only annoying part is to work with 1.0 & 1.3 demos (dm_57 -> dm_59), which is like demos untill november 2002. you can't capture the console using moviemaking mods or scan the demos with crumbs his moviemaking software. And i'll add you on facebook, we can talk more if you are interested in helping :)!
If you were to get a movie config sorted out, and specify any other variables in virtual dub, I would be willing to help you with this
capture in 1.4 crumbs his moviemod with my config with cl_avidemo 60 at 1080p
make the .avi of the screenshots in virtual dub
then render it in vegas with my x264 codec settings and color filters

if you are willing to help give me a call on fb ;)
Still willing to help despite my lack of replying on crossfire. I'll shoot you a message on Friday :)
thx mate ;)
in addition you can include some competitive games not only from 2002-2003 but also cups played in last few years showing players didnt stop this game 13 years ago :P
That will basicly be your fragmovie then :P +1 for this.
Well as far as i remember there were 3 6v6 tournaments in last 2/3 years + many 3v3 cups and lots of them were dominated by teams like raw/dog/np. Cant remember who won each cup but there was some kind of diversity in people winning those cups.
guud luck! looks cool!
good stuff!
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