Mouse accel fix?

Hey folks,

so I tried to play ET couple of times already and I noticed that this is the only game that I have "hidden" mouseaccel on for some reason and I don't know how to switch it off.

I am using steelseries rival on windows 7 ultimate 64bit.

Did anyone else had similar issues or know how to fix it?

I did not have similar issue, sorry.
i saw someone post it couple of months ago :/
I did not but if so then sorry once again
cl_mouseaccel "0"

dpi over 800? lower it, or run rinputv131seq
dpi 400, cl_mouseccel at 0 and in windows settings its off and i still get it only in ET.
And how can you tell you got acceleration in ET?
Did you try MMR / while moving mouse in game? If you using SS Engine you should check if theres no acceleration on @ driver, cg_smoothmouse 0
acceleration/deacceleration set to 0 in drivers, it is easly noticeable in ET that when I move my mouse fast/flick it I do 180 or sometimes even 360 turn and when I do same distance with slow movment it is 180 turn on full mousepad.
did you read for what this fix is? its not needed for et and dont fix his problem
yes I did, and of course it's not needed (neither is rinput), but it does fix mouseaccel issues in ET
Rather fixes windows mouse filters at all. Windows filters cause a little positive accel, smoothing and slightly higher input lag over it. It doesnt matter if it's desktop or any other game that hasnt got raw input on, or am i wrong?
I'm not seeing how that contradicts what I said
u said that it fixes mouseaccel issues in et, i said it fixes mouseaccel caused by windows in any case, ur message could be understood as ET causes such issue.
right... well thanks for stepping in to clear that up for everyone
As much I hate to admit this, he's right John.
both of you are idiots
Why are you all of the sudden so salty?

O John, John, wherefore art thou John?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
you definitely have autism or something
Where is your Marina, John?

will look into it.
His fix, fixes it.
Do not try this out on windows 8 or 10.

I rather would use the fix for reg keys once posted by BossHK. That fix was a bit more 'dangerous' since you were manually adjusting the regs. But it felt much smoother on my Laptop with os Windows 7.
So basically if you can find it (on some forum called Fearless Assasins or just pm BossHK and cross your fingers he has it stored on his PC/brain, the latter I doubt), use this one.
Filtry windowsa mają wbudowaną lekką akcelerację pozytywną. Rinput przesyła ci sygnał z myszki bezposrednio do silnika gry z pominięciem filtrów windowsa, mousefix tylko wprowadza poprawkę do rejestru zmieniającą ustawienia filtrów windowsa tak, by tej akceleracji nie było. Rinput powinien dawać minimalnie mniejszego input laga niż mousefix.
Właśnie się zastanawiałem czy rinput rzeczywiście coś może dawać jak już użyłem tego markc fixa.
rinput daje, intelli 1.1 smiga na rinpucie smiech smiechem powiedziec bardzo porownywalnie z deathadderem v1
i have the same. put : cl_mouseaccel "0"
go to pc mouse settings and turn this OFF:
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