ET AC released.

Welcome again.

We proudly present new version of an Anti-Cheat, with the changed name to ETAC (Enemy Territory Anti-Cheat). However this project has nothing to do with project of Oxyzium/Brainstorm/Wolf or any other nickname of his. Our project is improved with completely new loader system, better detection, even more optimized code and encryption. We encourage players for testing the stability, it's still in beta test so we won't give any BAN to anyone for cheating, however player will recieve kick if such attempt will be detected - just to show it's working properly and it's not a fake/troll project.

So what does this AC really do?
On connection to an ETAC server, Player will get prompt with the license. If player decline, ET will be closed. If accept, he/she will recieve new files in ETAC folder (Player's guid and dll's) inside game folder also new binary of 'ET.exe' (old will be backup in 'ET(original).exe' also at the same folder of ET). Then player will be asked to restart ET game. For now on player is able to play on AC server.

ac_players - list of ETAC players on server.
ac_version - version of current ETAC.
ac_guid - player guid.
server cmds:
ac_ss - takes screenshot of specified ID of a player. -1 for all.

Keep that in mind, 'ET.exe' ETAC version is modified file of the original 'ET.exe', and it's replaced with modified one! It's compatible with 2.60b atm, and most of the mods (except the Silent AC).

What we are going to do next?
- Update addon of ETAC for server's. And share it with public. Everyone will be able to host it on their own server.
- Security improvement to avoid any spoofing for guids.
- Release updated version of globalcombined.lua which will be fix EVERY SINGLE EXPLOIT currently known by us and it will include new AC's addon LUA enhancements.

- WinXP, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10.
- Punkbuster

- Mac, Linux.
- 2.55 (only at this moment)

Public ETAC Test server:

That's all for now.

Nice, who will use it?
how about anyone who sign up for ET masters 2k16?
I wasn't being sarcastic with my question btw (for once). I was wondering who the target group is, who is it meant for?
so i wasnt sarcastic too. Wouldnt you mind about it?
I dont know if this AC is to be trusted. That's why I won't use it. Somebody else needs to test it first :D
There's about week to test cheat detection and find some major bugs or misstatements that could justify not trusting it yet. You can keep that non sanctioned kick system in case of groundless kick reason you didnt find out before, thats fair enough for everyone imo.
Read that License carefully.

e: Will test all sort of cheats on it, just to check it out!
Does it detect USB cheats as well?
Mouse software, with build in storage, which can be used to execute?
Or cloud software, like on CSGO? God, that was hilarious.
tl;dr version

We own everything on ur hd
We monitor ur facebook login details
We monitor ur gmail accounts
We will collect ur private data

edit: feel free to correct me if i am wrong
BitCoin farming included
Kinda late, why all the effort? U were inactive for years and now that the game is dead this. Not hating just curious
Effort, because I love that game, and also I played so many years competitively that I prefer to have at least some level of guarantee that there is legit protection behind it. Unfortunately it takes a lot of time, especially when it's non-profit program and small motivation - we are doing it on free time. I strongly believe that when ppl will be convinced to that it actually does successfully detect cheats, they will get more trust to it and start to play scrims. However it's just the beginning of the development of this software, we want to improve it step-by-step, maybe one day it will become very powerful Anti-Cheat.
You talk about 'we'. Who's 'we'?
Nice man, gl :)
2 bad theres only like 15 players active so seems like a waste tbh
Someone post that license please
Just in time for quakecon! Oh wait...
Kamil Kamil Kamil wtf xdd
avi to see if it really detects cheats xD
Ignore the hate, good effort lock
But but it stiils ur giiirlfrieend!
good effort
Thank You. You should thanks to Sol for it.
I liked the cwelac w/e name more gg
Yeah, guy who crashes server after he was banned from TS from being overly insultive towards a girl & threatened to rape her, I would definitely use something like that from a retarded cunt like you.
Would you be just as upset if he threatened to rape a guy?
good point but lockheed actually didnt develop it. good bye foolish arguments again :/
so who developed it?
Poland sol I'm guessing
LOL, coming from the weirdest guy on CF. Get a fucking life for once u fucking spastic.
Honestly, you talk so much fucking shit yet i see on your fucking snapchat who you really are, hilarious.
best news since years -- gl iboga !!!
Thank You my friend.
Good to know that people still care about this game. Hope it works!
Greatest troublemaker in the 2010s (yeah, f.e. even more than igla+bobi combined) acting as a "messiah of ET" now (again)?

Ain"t it a little too late?
W koncu ;D naprawiony ten blad z sekundowym lagiem przy screenshocie ?
Naprawiony, powinno śmigać. Trzeba ktoregoś dnia wytestować.
wydaje mi sie ze musicie z solem zrobic swoja platforme na zasadzie esl-u czy pifpafu bo tu raczej to nie przejdzie tak jak widzisz.. zrobicie i ludzie beda grac
problem jest taki ze za bardzo nie ma juz kto grac ;x
ten sam problem ciągnie się już tyle lat... zobacz ja potrafiłem wrócić do gry po ponad 4 latach :D i byl szok bo byl tzac :D a wczesniej elegancko PB zero przypalu bo byl jeden antycheat i ludzie na nim grali :D im wiecej pierdolenia sie w tym tym sie odechciewa :D uwierz :)
Gdyby wszystko było takie proste, to by ten AC nie powstawał tyle lat. To żmudny proces, nie zapowiadający żadnych owoców bo rozsiewany na betonowym gruncie. Wszystko zależy jak dalej się wszystko potoczy. Rozważaliśmy już pewne unikatowe rozwiązania.
tak jak rozmawialismy jakis czas temu... trzymam kciuki !
a wy dalej kurwie probujecie z tym gownem?
jakim prawem w ogole nazwaliscie to cos "anty cheatem" skoro gosc ktory to zrobil ma 2984328432 banow, bustow i jest jebanym glabem na strzala?

admin antycheata ktory ddosuje servery?:D rozpierdala mecze gtv?
Michal Kaczorowski ty pizdo

dunno it this will work or not...
but i captured the modified et.exe and there is nothing to worry about
- I dont think many ppl would like to install programs from not trusted source on their computer, so forcing this is a bit problematic.
- Even if its a legit effort, its kinda late.
- Being able to try out cheats for just a kick is not the best idea, cause if u find one which doesn't get u kicked, u can use it without problems :D
This ac is created by person who know what is doing. Imo it is better to play on good antycheat than play without.
What do you mean by "trusted source"? There is a licence. If there whould be any intrusive module you can do something.
Quote- I dont think many ppl would like to install programs from not trusted source on their computer, so forcing this is a bit problematic.

It's less risky for customers to use cheat because of concequences, than for us to use overprivilaged behaviour of the software which could end up in law court. We wouldn't risk that. Program doesn't contain any threats to the system security or privacy security. Our names are public, no reason to do that. TZAC was using abbrevaition of Tomislav Zubčić which sounds trustworthly, unofrtunately it's a name of Proffesional Croatia basketball player which is kinda funny thou - and still user trust it; it's not a matter of name, it's matter of quality of the product.

Quote- Even if its a legit effort, its kinda late.

It's legit effort and there is never too late. Even Doom 1/2 game is still successfully developed, or Quake 1. It's great that some people still work to improve quality of this game. Most haters doesn't understand that developers spend free time on work which is mostly hated by regular player on forum.

Quote- Being able to try out cheats for just a kick is not the best idea, cause if u find one which doesn't get u kicked, u can use it without problems :D

Yes that's true. It's not best idea, but there is a reason for that. We just want to show it's real project, not fake. Besides that we not only rely on current methods of detection, soon there is going to be an update with very reliable method with wave ban (familiar to TZAC). All known cheats should be detectable for now, till nobody bypass ours - so we could afford it.
At one point TZAC was scanning ALL of my kernels.
The moment your AC does the same AND it's not mentioned in the license, game on :)

E: removed my rage. But game is on. I hope your license is extremely well documented. I hope you know what happend to Chap?
At this moment ETAC DOES NOT scan kernel drivers. When we add this function in a future, we make another license with the necessary information included and user will has to accept new license again.

Currently, the license contains all the required information for the Licensee.

I don't really know what happened to Chaplja?
chaplja got rekt by communit gang bang ass fu'cked nerd created cheats for his own anticheat and sold them. then got busted.
Quoteadmin antycheata ktory ddosuje servery?:D rozpierdala mecze gtv?
Michal Kaczorowski ty pizdo

Pixel you rarely speak anything good but a big +1 for this :DDD

Gl hf, soon it will be "another" TZAC when it comes to admin (Chaplja). :D
image: nU4R7O2
hmm.. I guess it is not 2nd pixel's account
Lol actually not. :)
o kurwa
legendary juicy has spoken, he is willing to provide u a financial support in any way possible in order to achive bestest cleanest game again, /q him on irc.
Well it didn't download anything unexpected or upload anything unexpected, Faronics didn't report anything dodgy either. Works great, nice one
People who's saying its nice one / good effort blabla, do you really know these "developers" past? If yes then can you really trust on them?
Do you have an android phone? Windows computer? use IE, firefox, chrome etc? Or do you sit in a Faraday cage tweaking your exit nodes?
Sorry, not using any of the stuff you mentioned. And your answer to the original question is no I think so?
Hi Pixel NOT on third account. xD
Yeah, pixel for sure you all-knowing polag.
This is just CWELAC renamed to ETAC.

What's the point releasing something twice when last time it didn't work!

Also not to mention the RAT Software you installed for what ever purpose.. You want to add ETPro players to a botnet?
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