hz => fps = better hits?

if u set ur monitor hz at least the same or higher than ur fps u hit better i think

tried it, and it feels like it. dunno if its correct or just feeling like that

i just play 120hz and 125 fps and im gonna get selected for team UK, cu lan
gonna sign up for ET paralympics 2k16 too, cu there
placebo effect
To be able to set greater value than 60hz for your monitor firstible you need to have compatible cable.
DVI-D - Dual Link is enough:
image: 1tvyi5q
or DVI-I - Dual Link with Analog - not really necessarry, some of the LCD monitor doesn't have analog pins either.
image: 5SDcgra
Display Port also operate 120-125-144 or greater hz.
HDMI 1.4b or greater also should be fine - not really sure about it.
It's recommended to make your own hz value for monitor which correspond to in-game fpses. So if you play on: 125fpses = 125hz monitor, 72fpses = 72/144hz. Difference are visible with human eye. People who talks differently that it's placebo or "human eye can take only 60fpses" (which is myth) are just not right. Human eye can see clearly the difference between 70-144 or greater. To believe you need to do test by yourself - best method to make sure is to do own researches or have your own laboratory;).
More fluently display more comfort, less distraction.
Here You have a tutorial for make your own custom vaulue of display resolution at specified hz value @ nvidia:

I would recommend full HD @ 125hz if you play ET (competetive cfgs limits are 125fps in this game)

Second thingy which is really important besides of hz is Respond Time, which is: You see, what You got. Actually You see what your graphics card can render in time of RT to be displayed on Your screen. This value is never stable, if you for example buy monitor with TN panel type and gtg 5ms, (where gtg has no ISO standards!) you can recieve from 5fpses, up even to 40ms differences in dynamic content display!!!
Some Premium TN can display from 1-5(max)ms RT like ASUS ROG PG278Q, Most IPS game-based matrix can handle 4-6ms.

So according to make a statment of your experience, that you have better hits on greater hz - in some way yes, because you are not distracted with blurred screen. But the fact it's more rely on quicker Respond Time, because you are not tricked with delayed content.

Screen Tearing is another story... cvar r_swapinterval which is vertical synchronization (v-sync) take cost of RT, so it's always better to have this technology build in hardwarely in the monitor (e.g. G-sync asus technology). Lack of g-sync can also distract focus durring gameplay because it's VERY ANNOYING:
read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_tearing
image: 3

About human eye, it's a complex subject but here you can have some inside view if you are bored:

Lock ty wariacie
never noticed any difference on hits, just makes the game a lot smoother
This shit helped enough on LAN. Takes some games to get used to, but man, the skill boost.
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