fps drops - ET

Hei buddies,
after I finally start to play this game a bit again with some friends, I found a problem which is kinda combined with FPS in game.
Example: I joined to an etpro public, start to play an usual map (supply) and my fps goes from 80 to 25... (set to 125)... then I play for few minutes... and suddenly my fps are stable on 125 for about 2 maps. Then I rewrite config ./write config (name) (because I thought it was something wrong when I was execing several configs before, or just to save good one) continue to play for few mins, try to exec old one and fps goes again crazy....

In 12 years I have never seen such a problem.... it might be something else... but I guess my laptop is stable to play such an old game like ET :) ..csgo works perfectly :p

image: mylaptop

TEST of my gfx Quadro fx 1800m versus cpu: i5 560m 2,67ghz: http://www.game-debate.com/gpu/index.php?gid=603&gid2=549&compare=quadro-fx-1800m-vs-hd-i5-m560

I tried to change some cfg stuff, but can't find the right solution.... any suggestions...?? :)
r_primitives 2
Also tried it.. Without majure changes..
Get another gfx card.
U think? Might be... But why cago works good with it... its newer game with higher prefences...
Amd cpu? Also what swani said
Could be throttling because of the temperature. My laptop plays at 125 fine for a map or so and then starts dropping.
com_maxfps 76
Fresh ET install
, format, reinstall whole PC, fresh ET install

100euros one of those works
The last choice will be those ones ye...
task manager > details > right click ET.exe and set affinity to one core (any other than CPU 0)
Okay, will try later...
so basically if I understand u... set only CPU 0 ? ...but if its already set on CPU 0 ?
..you are trying to set 1,2,3 or 4 ...just 0 do not? ...can you explain me, what is 0 then?
do not set to CPU 0, set to one of the others (e.g. CPU 4 only).

image: jmTCFWD

I also don't know how to make it default to the same selection every time you load ET. I set it manually each time D:
I think it also changes every time you vid_restart or change the map
people still don't use proces lasso or what :?
didn't know it existed! looks good.
I had the same problem, it's because you have FPS drops.
Really? :XD
Disable multicore for ET
Enable the 2nd core in ur life............


jEzt0rr and immoo sittin in a tree R-A-P-E -ING,
first comes DING DING DING,
and then comes death,
Then comes the gold in the fucking carriage!

image: 7ce
Hahahah always the same eith u :XDDD
wb immoo :)
Don't think so that is comeback.. Just some fun time by time ;)
I''m not some computer genius but people here are giving u random answers, we don't even have a good diagnostic about the situation to help you well.

With the following questions and ur answers we can atleast understand ur problem first:

Do get FPS drop on other games after a few moment like for ET?
You said CSGO is perfect but do you get FPS drops if you stand in the middle of a smoke when playing CSGO?
Is ur laptop new/old? Give us some details about it...
Have u ever ran ET on this very laptop without problem?
(You said it's been 12 years but you didn't mean it's been 12 years of ET on this laptop aka laptop of gods xD)
And ffs what's ur graphic card?
this should be the first question
here is a screenshot of my laptop specs: image: mylaptop

well basically in csgo i get fps drops in smokes ye.. but nowhere else (at least not so high, that should be unplayable)... my laptop is not new anymore, but i am sure it's on level to play normally ET.. before I had toshiba Satelite (dual core 1,67ghz) and it was enought to have stable fps..

here is a test of my gfx versus cpu: i5 560m 2,67ghz: http://www.game-debate.com/gpu/index.php?gid=603&gid2=549&compare=quadro-fx-1800m-vs-hd-i5-m560
It's strange cause u shouldn't have FPS drop on ET and in middle of a smoke on CSGO with this pc config
check your nvidia settings as well;

image: 8wCILKj

Threaded optimisation off is the main one I think.
Will try also this later.. Thanks
You should monitor the temperature while playing ET. I'd wager that's the problem.
image: why-so-high

it's kinda hard to understand why is CPU working so hard with it.... you can see the drop of power after I closed ET....
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