Need pc advice

So my pc is kaput and i want to buy a new one.
I will only need it to play heartstone, HoMM5 and some league so i'm not looking for a super pc.
I've been looking online but to be honest my knowledge is pretty low about this stuff so i need some help.

This is the cheapest one i've found so far, is it decent enough to play LoL, HS & HoMM5?

Processor AMD A8 6410 Quad Core
memory 1TB
Ram 4 GB DDR3
Videocard AMD Radeon R5
Operating system windows 10
price 399 euro

Do you know any sites or stores that offer a cheaper pc fit for my needs?
Pls halp, thx :)
This is better
You can replace the SSD with 1TB if you need more space, but why not add your old HDD to your new pc and use a SSD? It makes a huge difference!
The HD530 is faster than that A8 with integrated Radeon R5 in games,4252-9.html and you have DDR4 which you can use in the future, and a PC that can be upgraded to a i5/i7 in the future. For Windows 10, just look for a cheap Windows 10, not that hard to find. Or upgrade Windows 7/8 to Windows 10.

The CPU you posted above is a laptop processor... That configuration is a laptop in a box, so not really fast if you compare it to a real desktop pc.
Hey, i'm gonna go with the build you suggested but i have 3 questions.
1. Power supply; is 300W enough?
2. Case;
Gembird CCC-J-01 €28,53
Is there something wrong with this one? I don't see the point in going for a case of €55 if i can take this one.
3. Where can i find a cheap windows 7 (i think windows 7 is needed to play HoMM5)
Thanks in advance!
1. Yes, for that build it's enough. If you want to add a graphics card later on you can add a 450W instead.
2. That case is pretty shit it's loud with 80mm fan holes and big, the motherboard in the build I listed is microatx, it will fit an ATX case, but a smaller case is more convent right? A cheaper alternative but it can be a bit louder. The N200 has a better built quality, oaint and is more silent. I think you should stick with the N200, it is not listed without a reason. The N200 is good enough for a pc after this one.
3. Are you a student? Perhaps you have access than to DreamSpark for free Windows? See onthehub. Or you can get Windows with a huge discount as a student. If you are not a student

Remember what I said earlier. That build that is in the new BBG is better for games, but this build is better in terms of CPU power and upgrade-ability. You could even fit a i7 in it after a couple of year when the i7 for this generation are cheap.
Thanks again for the advice!

Not a student :(

I should have everything by the end of this week, so we'll see :p
QuoteThe CPU you posted above is a laptop processor... That configuration is a laptop in a box, so not really fast if you compare it to a real desktop pc.

As long as it doesn't have any problems with the games i want to play i'm happy.

QuoteYou can replace the SSD with 1TB if you need more space, but why not add your old HDD to your new pc and use a SSD? It makes a huge difference!

If i open up my pc i can't say what the HDD is or how to get it out without breaking it so .. yeah :D

Thanks for the reply, i'll think about it!
Laptops are A LOT slower and depreciate very quickly - they can need replacing after 1-2 years sometimes. If you build a proper PC you can upgrade it as you go. The PC you posted first is a bad, bad option, zenix or my choices would be so much better you simply cannot compare them.
I didn't knew that about laptops, thanks.
When I was 12 I build my first pc from scratch. If a kid can do it you should be able to do it also, right? With every part you get a manual. It's just as easy as building something from Ikea. You can put some furniture together from Ikea? Than you can build a PC. It's pluy and play if you just follow some guides and the manual. easy peasy. It's getting easier each year.

Most people are not going to build their own pc, because they are just insecure and don't believe they can build a PC. Even my father who does not know how to use a PC properly can build one.

And if you still don't want to build it yourself, just because you are lazy and don't want to invest in saving some money today and in future builds than a reputable webshop like afuture,azerty will build a pc for you for like 50 euro when you order all parts from them.

Tweakers just released a BBG also a good option this build is much better for games than the one i previously listed, but CPU wise a little bit slower.
go for a i-7 first generation
and with a gtx 780 your fine to go
take atleast 12 gb ram
ssd of 500 gb should be enough
and 1 ssd of 1 TB should be enough
it pretty much seems like 1.5tb of ssds doesnt fit his budget :D
500gb SSD at his budget? AT LEAST 12gb RAM? 8 is still fine for his needs! you broken m8?
And a 1st generation i7 :D
I think menace has lost it
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor (€119.90 @ Mindfactory)
Motherboard: ASRock H110M-DVS/D3 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€56.86 @ Mindfactory)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (€26.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€41.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card (€121.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Nanoxia DS1WIB ATX Mid Tower Case (€19.51 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 430W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (€43.55 @ Mindfactory)
Total: €430.59
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-01 18:18 CEST+0200

Why not save up a little more and get something like this? SO much better than that prebuilt, and you can learn to build PCs pretty easily - its not difficult and there are so many guides on youtube. Have confidence!
It's not that i don't have the money, i just don't want to spend 1k or more on a pc when a pc of half the price would satisfy my needs.

I'll start watching some guides tomorrow, thanks!
Oh well this will really suit your needs then - the i3 6100 is a nerdroller CPU for a cheap price, and my brother has a 750ti and it runs modern games just fine at medium or higher. I would recommend having a look around , I picked up a lot before I built mine just by browsing there
950s go on sale for like $20 more than a 750 Ti pretty often. I would wait for one of those
It's just wasting money if you buy that pc you listed. Even for 250 i can make something faster than that.
I understand now that buying the pc i listed would be dumb (thanks to you and nismo <3)
I'll try to build one myself after some youtube guides ^^
have fun friend!
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