the legend in france

Hello putains,

I m thinking of a legendary tour of France in my Impala 74, chrome real G talk.

I need some recommendations what to visit in the country of my G Voltaire and Hugo, and let s not forget the one that I inspired most, Alain Delon and his Zorro character, which I had huge contribution in developing, and swagging up!

So I am waiting for advices what to touch, what not to touch, if there are real dangerous niggers in Paris as they brag, just to know to bring my heat on and my bazooka in the back of my trunk!

Also some places to sleep would be avi, if anybody wants to take a selfie with the legend it will be a night place to sleep and 20 euros,

Merci beaucoup!

Le general in reserve, Legend of Unforgiven keep on rolling, keep on hating!
Wrap an IS flag around your body when you go to Paris, I heard they like IS around those neighbourhoods..
I thought that was Belgium :)))
IS flag = Iceland flag bruuu. i think u mean ISIS flag. just try it -> [flag=write is here] ---> Iceland
illuminati confirmed, reykjavik is the real residence of obama
I hear the Eiffel Tower should be worth the visit.
When you arrive in Paris, tell the first 10 people you see you're the self proclaimed legend Unforgiven, maybe then you'll realise that nobody cares
Take A coffee at The Trocadéro :) ( and How much for A hug ? )
Châteaux de la Loire
Thought this journal was about me. Disappointed. TL;DR
HF in the gayest France city go to Parc des princes aka Paris Stadium and bring some vaseline.
Just go to Sevran, it's best.

e: 27
Nothing to see. Shitty country with ugly people :) guess you will fit perfectly in with your stupid face.
You're describing the northern France, come in the Marseille South we are handsome with face and muscles
Come say this to my face vittun ruma nörtti, I make it easy for you, I'm already in your country
Dont come here lowlife scum you will waste even more of our ressources
u have big mouth on internet, but face 2 face u take my croissant and suck it so hard your face will explode like star wars u putain little biaci
go visit apricot
just travel along the coast and go to paris
Visit Lyon and Parc OL, only two important things in france
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