Trying to play some public etpro

So guys, i got a big match coming up against team poland and yes very nervous.
Foolish as i was, i tryed to play some public etpro to train my aim. My journey didn't last long.
Want to find out why? Check the video below.

8/8 I often have this problem when I join hpc server after a long break
komischer vogel
Welcome to ET 2k16
Quotechecked Hirlos rules. Light sk is ALLOWED

yup, but excessive spawncamping isn't :p
Still kick without a warning or whatever, And i don't think 2 kills is excessive spawncamping?
Vogel when u played on HBC did u had LAG?
My FPS jumping there as a Monkey.
Totally unplayable server.
Yes, my fps was lower then usual
I totally agree, the server is unplayable, lag lag lag.
Nbs is the best public server atm
;-) welcome too ET
You've got my blessing birdie
gg Vogel XD
low+ max
You made a HBC fragmovie? are you some sort of cunt?
Was waiting for some salty comments. Suprised you are the first one ;)
komischer vogel
Public Drama 2k16 :S
9/9 enjoyed the edit way more then i should
It's pretty sad that the admins act like that. I too keep getting banned every now and then for cheating whilst I don't. They seem to be that kind of guys who get owned a few times and then ban you without any reason. That server also heavily lags, for some reason they keep using their amazing "punkbuster".. that is so 2005.
Hirntot only has panzer and mortar only hero's remaining as of late. I blame admins who never play the game for supporting a shitty rule set, wherein it is ok to spam enemy respawn with mortar 24/7, but if some guy with aim takes you down near the respawn its a kick ... And yes the rule set is so open to discussion they will find a reason to kick you, if they feel like it. If you are friends with one of the admins, you can get away with pretty much anything.

I miss Doctor .... :'(
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