CS:GO Config ?

There aren't too many games that one can play bug-free on (Arch)Linux, especially with NVIDIA Optimus.
CS:GO is one of them, and since I moved from Windows to Arch, I am kinda stuck with it.

Does anyone have a decent config for CS:GO ?

In CS 1.6 I had a decent config + some one-time-installer that easily lets you add some additional scripts (auto-buying and all that blabla).
In ET I had a config with lagscripts and also with bigger model shadows so I could see people leaning behind walls.
In Quakelive I had a super duper 3-rox-to-face config and a mysterious "LG" button for 50+ accuracy.
In CS:GO I am too lazy to do all the research + scripting so help me out :/

Thanks !

Pixelrail as bonus:
lold @ this journal. U so cool
Settings, set your settings. Ez. For autobuys, google. Takes less time than waiting for someone to answer here. And why would you even do any autobuy scripts, the game is booring enough so I find buying rather fun with clicking on the items.
Usually there are too many hidden settings / stuff that you can additionally change ?
not in csgo... just set everything to low in game menu - those are lowest settings you can get :) maybe there's few commands but they're not affecting fps

edit: or just try this https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/43nrni/fps_increase_tweak_commands/
Everything pretty much low besides shadows tho!
Thanks, looks like some good reading ressources :)
there really wasnt much hidden settings on cs 1.6 either
This is ET fuck CS
beAsty has removed you as a buddy.

y0w pat, here's my config and launch settings http://pastebin.com/zvLxYMWw and use something like this for a buy script http://www.csgobindsgenerator.com/

ingame graphics are like this for me http://i.imgur.com/mKea0Rk.jpg
Uhh nice thanks Andrew, I will give it a go as soon as I have some time for it !!! :)
I'm playing with default config with the exception of sensitivity being different and having "bind mouse4 toggle cl_righthand 0 1" to toggle weapon side when holding certain angles.
i love cs:go bettting
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