Oldfags wanted for Overwatch

Oldfag looking for oldfags to play some Overwatch. Pm or add rasen#22849
beansy#2515 but just bought a game so dont expect much:p

Is there a way to selfkill in over?
no selfkill i think, its not based on ET xD
Haven't visited this site in ages and seeing your name gave me a blast from the past.

I remember you had been around for a long time already when I started playing seriously in +- 2004..
Yea I remember my first MP game was et and i started it as soon as it got out. Got it in some gamer magazine, prolly still have that cd somewhere back home:)
Heh, in fact I had just swapped over from quake3 back then. There's even some #engine stats on the internet. I had just picked that up when I was pondering old times: http://home.arcor.de/willstar/stats/aD_vs_one4one_Wed_Sep_29_2004.html

Good times ;-). Oddly enough there's people remembering those times :D
There is not. But respawn times allow for some class swapping.
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