A Gentle Touch

ouuuuu you touch my tralala
Nice moves, but some pretty meh defending for most of those (not saying they could've saved everything, but they didn't even try).

Were you following the qualifier stuff on Twitch by the way? So useless that they kept it on autocam most of the time (instead of player POVs). -.-
90% of these goals were scored in Doubles so it's easier to score, also this is around Challanger/Rising Star level so our enemies don't expect us to score all these double touches, they expect us to miss a lot, that's where the misspositions come from, it's not much about mechanics, just the game mode when positioning is key and if they mess it up for few seconds it's easy to punish.

About the Twitch streams from team games, I don't follow it that much, I'd rather watch VOD from players POV from same games with in-game comms :)
Mostly playing people by now who will consistently hit the ball and if they do miss it's usually a random teammate. :(

Also, if I'd see people doing wizard shit like that I'd definitely want to get there first.
Wait what something is wrong here. Not a single gif was posted that day?
QuoteA Gentle Touch

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