
One year ago I invested my money in some bitcoins at the course of about $230. Now, one year later, they have more than doubled in value and are worth $685 each.

With the recent increase in value of the bitcoin, I am considering to sell my bitcoins and take my profit. However, I have never done this before and I was wondering if any of you has some experience with selling bitcoins and is willing to give me some advice on the best way of doing this.

There seem to be many ways of buying and selling bitcoins but which one is the best?

Edit: A decent (Dutch) website seems who charge a flexible fee between 1.5% to 2.0%
I am not sure if crossfire is the best place to ask these questions. However, there is no harm in trying.

I have found a physical exchange in the Netherlands (in Flevoland). They are asking a fee between 3 to 5 %. I was wondering if I can do better than that.
I didn't know Bitcoins were still popular, nice investment
Thanks! They seem still very popular and widely used. One hour after writing this journal, the course has increased with another $10. Wondering if and, if so, when it will collapse.
Most deepweb transactions are going via bitcoin
Sebastian <3
Risk are you going to the Polish LAN as well?
Still dont know
Thanks seems informative to me
Rezta gave me a Dutch website where one can sell bitcoins against approximately 1.7% fee. Website seems reliable to me and everything is going well so far. I should receive my payment this afternoon.

Website (Dutch):
how much did u invest and why u selling it when the price still rise ?
A friend of mine gave me 0.5 bitcoins back in March 2015. I started reading more about bitcoins and their history. They once were worth $1000 only before the course collapsed to approximately $200, whereafter the course seemed to stabilize. To me it seems like a decent new currency with a proper potential. That's why I wanted to invest more and bought approximately another 2.5 bitcoins.

To answer your second question, I have an econometrical background and if there is one thing I learned in my study is that the current price should perfectly reflect the current market's believe about a price. Therefore, the best prediction about the price of a stock one period ahead is the current market price. Theoretically, it should not be possible to predict the increase or decrease of a stock price. In practice this does not necessarily be true, but for me as an individualist without any insiders information my intuition says that I should follow the theory.

To quantify how much a bitcoin should be worth exactly in the future is hard to say. It is still a relative new currency and not much is known about the use of it in the future. I have no good explanation why I am selling now, it is more a matter of feeling. Hope that this sufficiently answers your question.
By the way, if anyone has more information about a good market to buy and sell bitcoins against a low fee, please inform me.
Kraken is the best
can buy bitcoins, but doesnt know how to sell them LUL
Give them to me and I'll make them disappear for ever
Sold my bitcoints at for around 530€ each and invested in 100 lockheed martin stocks, which I sold a month ago. Two days ago I bought Smith and Wesson stocks, after the Christina Grimmie's murder....

American logic, someone gets shot -> not enough people carried a weapon that day in order to be able to prevent her death ":D", however, that wasn't really affecting it, but "luckily" for me, there was the shooting yesterday in Orlando.

Will sell them within the next two weeks, so I get a bit of profit, despite the fees and taxes (I use a broking portal by an Austrian bank) and once bitcoints' stock quotation is only rising slightly, I might consider getting some again, because I never buy too quickly rising stocks... yoyo effect n shit
Ofc Johannes
I have read that logic about weapons and stock prices before. Seems counter- intuitive but it appears often to work that way. Let me know how much profit you make from that strategy so I might consider doing it so in the future.

Currently I am trying to figure out how to buy regular stocks against low fees. I want to go long in gold and short in DAX till the brexit poll. I will buy bitcoins again once the price has dropped significantly. I think the increase will last till about $900 and will fall when the Chinese people have trust in their government again and the halving of the bitcoins has found place.
i'll buy them from you for 5 euros cause euros > dollars
I sold mine for ~550 each. Had 11. Totally worth.
At what course did you buy them
was around ~180 back then

Late answer is late
Good profit and yes I see you were waiting for a rise in course of the answer mechanics ;P
Dunno which is longer time ago, the last time I played or the last time I logged in here :p Yeh you could say that :D
Well done mate ;)
You want to buy some Conye, Catcoin or Lottocoin? :P
got any dogecoin?
Had, sold it.
such currency
I do, but i wont.
Wouldnt sell them if u rly dont need the money yet. BC payments going huge in upcoming month imo
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