Can Overwatch replace ET?


what I want to know from ET players is, if Overwatch can replace ET.

What we all love about ET is the class system, that all classes have their roles and can be used in different maps/stages. Ofc the game is old and is based on the WWII, so the class system reflects that.

From what I've seen, Overwatch also has this class system (they call them heroes) and the amount of them is more than in ET obviously.

But ET isn't just about the classes, there is the unique movement, the unique damage system (3HS), the clean look (by config you can disable most stuff), the pushes, the selfkills, obj runs, spawnkills, the aiming, the timings etc.

Obviously Overwatch isn't using the quake engine, so movement will be different. But it is 6v6 like in ETPro, it has different classes like in ET and the dmg/class system looks interesting and there are respawns (If I am not wrong).

I don't play any other online games except ET. I can't get the same satisfaction and teamplay from any other game. But I am sick of ET right now. We play everyday internals on for at least 6 months now, but the waiting and dramas piss me off. I am considering to play Overwatch cause of this shit. Or go back to offline games (need to finish Darksouls 2-3 as example).

So basically I want to hear from ET players, if you can get a similar kind of satisfaction with the teamplay you have over there and if some game mechanics are similar to ET.

Thank you.
Here comes the battle between faggots who will call ET dead game who don't play it anymore and those, who still play ET.
Bobi, I don't want to make a battle about this.
Trolls, please stay away or try to be constructive.
There is no need to discuss the quality of ET. We all know how awesome this game is.
But you can get tired. To deal every time with the same shit which is going on.
You know how it is. We wait 5-20 mins to rup a game, so we can play 15 mins. Pauses, ragequits, bad connections, afks, etc. After each round the same shit. And then trying to balance the teams is a cancer, picking teams is a cancer, dealing with muted players is a cancer.
Today I was on nbs for half an hour. Someone called 4rc4de was using his cracked etbot and explaining us that he likes to exploit stuff (he is a sys admin). I think some days ago he got access to the root and kicked all of us from nbs (which was full). I am so tired to deal with this stuff on daily basis.
well those aren't really issues with ET itself, just the particular players you play with/against - players who can be found in other games & communities as well

if you want to try overwatch then go for it, but it's never going to "replace" ET :o)
It is partly true, but partly not correct.
Cause if ET would have matchmaking system, if there would be a builtin balance system for teams, if there were more active players, all of the mentioned problems wouldn't occur.

But cause of lack of all these things, we need to deal manually with everything.
ET has never had matchmaking or a "builtin balance system", and yet there have always been shitty people around (especially when it was more active)

it's not some sudden recent development and certainly not limited to ET
et matchmaking soon :x
What do you mean @HaoKakao?
Trolling or anything new we don't know about?
I'm absolutely serious
3er Esports league it's not just events like 3er Open, but the league platform with matchmaking system with own et/cs servers (like faceit).
I have a plan to revive the wolf. Thanks to the high school e-sports leage (supported by the Polish Ministry of Education). The main game featured on this league will be ET. There's a lot of work ahead of me
Wow, nice.
Please keep us updated.
What the fuck
lol i want to believe
I never claimed ET had matchmaking or a balance system before.

Your statement was that that those issues are not really issues with ET itself. Which is not true.
As yourself say, it doesn't have these systems, which is exactly the issues in my case.
Not particular with players I play with, it is a general problem. Cause obviously I can't play by my own, we need 12 ppl around, doesnt matter who. The system is lacking.
Quote by TanburCause if [...], if [...], if [...], all of the mentioned problems wouldn't occur.

1. ET has never had any of those things yet has always had these "problems"
2. other games do have these things yet still encounter the same or similar issues
there is no battle. et is dead. thats the reason why you have a team for yourself, cause et is dead.

overwatch cant replace anything, its just a new and better game than csgo / db
Only faggot bringing this shit up is you though.
I am considering buying new PC just for Overwatch, it really has potential and it's a Blizzard's game, it will be supported for a long time and (hopefully) will be popular.
I'd love to keep playing ET, but there is so few players around right now...
Stop pushing down legendary journal made by swagnidius :/
We miss you on kernwaffe, Wut.
nope lol

Quake Champions is coming so will see what's gonna happen after...

Hope there is a chance for new Wolfenstein with Multiplayer..
im more excited that QC is going to bring more players to afps like reflex
no, there wont be new wolf

activision owns the shit, so whos gonna make the new wolf mp? :)
You can't ask this question.

People from ET are now playing different kind of games like LoL, CSGO and Overwatch and probably shitload other games.

A game can't be replaced. RiP
You can't ask this question.
I don't think anything will ever give the same feeling as ET and RTCW. If only because of the youth sentiment.

P.S. I'd like to play kernwaffe some time
I know nothing can give the same feeling :(. I am just sad that Turkey is out of Euro 16 and was bored and wanted to see if there is a slim chance.

PS: You are welcome, as all of players are welcome. Usually we hang out on ts until we have enough players, and start 6v6s.
Let me make a quick advertisment, at this moment right now 23:32:
We also miss you Outlaw.
nice internship
wat speel jij nog allemaal dan?
nothing can replace NBS
Just buy the game and try it yourself. Overwatch is barely comparable to ET and attempting to compare ss really farfetched and unnecesary
we should do nsa mix vs kernwaffe mix some time.
One game which had the potential to come close to ET was Dirty Bomb. since this train is gone too, we have to call it a day.
Yeah.. too bad splash damage did not listen to ET community feedback
It really is too bad. The funny thing is that it seemed the biggest issues with the game were part of core gameplay and seemed to be very easy fixes. Everything that made RtCW and ET so great could have fit into DB very well. Game was excellent on paper, just poorly executed and they didn't give a shit about their true fans.
The issue was more on Nexon's side than on SD but yeah.
Yeah, thinking back you've got a good point. It did seem like SD wanted to do a lot with the game, especially looking back to some of the earliest trailers, but Nexon was definitely holding them back. It definitely had much more to do with Nexon than it did with SD so I couldn't agree more.
No. It was and still is 100% SplashDamage. Nexon has literally 0 fault in this.
it never had the potential, since SD are the most retarded dev ever, before dirty bomb was born it was well known that its gonna fail very hard
TF2 is more like it and better, imho
Nah, the games are so incredibly different that it would be hard to consider. If you form the question in another way, such as "Do you think a lot of people will start playing way more Overwatch and way less ET?" I'd say absolutely.

However, especially when you take into account the ultimate abilities and also how different the "class" system is in comparison to ET, it becomes a real game changer and a turn off for a lot of people (including myself)so I imagine just as many people aren't going to go over. The OW class system does have more to offer, but to me, I actually think games thrive on simplicity.

Even though it isn't my thing, Overwatch has an unbelievable amount of potential considering a consistently good team-based FPS game hasn't come out for some time. Especially with the disappointment that has been Dirty Bomb, I can see a majority of FPS players migrating to OW overall. As far as I am concerned, I have played OW and I know i'm not converting over.
ahahahaahah LUL
tl;dr but title made my day
bye bye ET ! welcome to overwatch !
Dirty Bomb???????????
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