
RIP United Kingdom

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Pretty sure the North West area was whole 52%+ to remain
Against all odds

Not such a wise decision of the UK
RIP fumble's chances in the next EC.
There goes Scotland and prolly Ireland on its own as well.
theyll be kicked from eurocup now :)
they were kicked by russians already
thx merkel
I actually think it's a good outcome since the EU is going to fall anytime soon, removing yourself as a country will free you from shit like. "we all need to pay, because we are all faulty of this system falling" etc.
What's your education level if I may ask?
First degree uni, why?
You are talking about the financial side of being in vs out the EU. Do you really think the financial benefits of being outside the EU off set the financial benefits of being inside the EU?

The main argument used during the political campaign was that the UK had no longer authority about their refugee "problem". This I can understand. Merkel made a mistake to welcome all the refugees in Germany and wanted to distribute them over Europe (such as the UK).

In my opinion, they made a mistake by trying to make the EU a political union as well. However, saying that it is financially profitable to be outside the EU versus inside is absolute nonsense. Nobody benefits from the current situation, let alone the UK.
you do know your country considers a similar referendum :)?
Mostly proposed by people that are too stupid to even spell dutch correctly whilst being dutch-born, let alone possess the capability to start attempting to understand the consequences that a country faces when leaving the EU.

Others are just sick of immigrants and they think: leaving eu = own rules = no eu-costs + no immigrants, expecting they will still get the same benefits from eu market but not share eu burdens at the same time without cost. Brexit will already costs NL 10-16 billion & these fucks forget that NL is actually ranked 2nd in EU as exportcountry. Besides that most people don't realize that even "free" countries like Switzerland had 50k refugees in 2015 (8mil total inhab.) compared to Netherlands 87k (~17mil inhab.). Atleast the youth and middle-aged in UK tried to save the vote for their future, but lost to old people's random fear for immigration, fear for loss of british culture/nationality & hate for EU
QuoteMostly proposed by people that are too stupid to even spell dutch correctly whilst being dutch-born, let alone possess the capability to start attempting to understand the consequences that a country faces when leaving the EU.

so true. the current trend of right-wing populism in europe is frightening. even more frightening is the fact that more and more people are blinded by the opportunistic (right-wing) populists (e.g the donald trump look-alike boris johnson) respectively that they have a great increase of proponents.

i read in an article that some brexit proponents are starting to regret their decision because they didn't expect the majority to vote for a brexit. WTF.

to those who say it's a good outcome:
yes, the EU is nowadays a huge shit stain and has turned from something originally good (european economic community) to something bad (european union, the execution of it) BUT at what cost is a euro exit useful?
- scotland (and ireland) endeavour to be independent
- spain now wants gibraltar
- tariffs
- increase in inflation and fall in the pound that likely will drive the UK into a recession
- the other EU members have to compensate the loss of the 3rd highest net contributor, i.e: the taxpayer is the one that has to bend over again
- temporary drop of the stock markets
- .
- .
- .

are these consequences worth it just to show the slobodans in brussels that they can fuck off?
Well well, I guess somebody had to do it. Sadly, it was UK. Rather seeing some of the shit countries to leave it, which actually eats more than gives. :) But hey, shit happens. Also, shit happened long time ago when some _shit_ countries were accepted to get into eurozone anyway. Not sure why they have done what they have done, I just might be way too stupid to even understand it (obviously to grow and make it larger) but whats the point of it, if they are pretty much a 3rd world country

dast ist credibilis
lemme see if I got this one right. U ain t affraid of east europeans, muslims and negros? Your country is not the last one to oppose Ro entering Schengen?
you do know which political party suggest to hold a referendum right? We are not even close to considering a referendum.

Fully agree with all the things 7ele said
This is a good example of a populistic opinion. Saying this like "EU is going to fall anytime soon" - "we all need to pay, because we are all faulty of this system falling" without any solid argumentation at all.

Making up arguments to win the votes of the (general low IQ) people, only to tell them after the Brexit referendum some arguments were misunderstood. Prime example: Nigel Farage stated the morning after the Brexit that his promise to increase the healthcare with 350 million per week was a "mistake". Victory was his, now the lies could be erased.
Look at the current situation of EU, the situation of immigration and taxes being forced on by EU. This is going to fall soon, as people learn slowly and realize when it's too late. My point was, IF EU should fall, there'd be even more taxes towards union countries, because no one will want to take the blame of that "great system" falling down. We are in a current state, where countries who have nothing to do with many catastrophes happening around the world are paying the price for foul decisions. The EU itself is a piece of shit corrupted union with no real hindsight on future. So that's why I support GB on leaving it before more shit is going to be thrown at them.
I personally have no issues with the entire immigration process (discard the immigrants who try to abuse the situation). The goal is only to take those who are are escaping from poor situations such as the war in Syria and offer them a safe place to be. The goal is not to invite as many people as possible over the world to let them benefit from our modern society. However, I can understand that for some people this might be problematic as they can feel that their chance on a job will decrease as a result. This mainly focuses on the uneducated people of countries.

I am not aware of the current taxes countries have to pay. I don't expect them to be higher than the financial advantages given as exchange. Saying that the costs will rise as soon as the EU will fall is only speculating. I also don't know what you mean with "We are in a current state, where countries who have nothing to do with many catastrophes happening around the world are paying the price for foul decisions."

The idea of an European Union is good. The execution, on the other hand, is poor. I am still pro-Europe but I agree that many things have to change.
You try to ignore the two main promises Farage/Johnson/UKIP/whoeveryouwannaname have already been thrown out of the window and were complete lies which they admitted, but hey yeah let's go.

The referendum just proves how ridiculously retarded, uneducated (& racist) UK is - bar in mind that the ol' people fucked up for the young people - but eventually just 25% of possible voters 18-24 turned in to vote, so hey hey.
Well well, sounds like our dear Alexander Stubb

Anyway the real problem is that EU wanted more members, while they should have focused on improving the EU system. Sometimes less is more :O) How to get out of this? Don't know, dont think Brexit is a solution, though those ideas flying around and somebody making a move, well thats something which is to be expected on these kind of times. Don't you agree?
I must fully agree on you with this one caej
better than to have to listen to Dicktaotors in Brussels, just saying
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