Music scene in Oslo


Haven't been here for a while, but since ET community is so international, I thought I'll ask here.
I'm spending my holidays in Oslo and as a musician I was wondering if there's a facebook group or an other place gathering musicians in the city. I'm a singer and a rythm guitarist playing metal, hard rock and grunge, so I thought I'd just start up a music project or fit in one.

I'd appriciate if you could help me out with this.
get yer own heroin man, srsly
I was actually quite suprised to be approached by so many spooky guys offering me drugs. Line I've never experienced such a casuality of drugs, especially in the country's capital swanky districts.
Honestly I have no idea. Living in Oslo, but I'm unable to find anything specific. If you see anyone in the city center playing you could ask them.(Not Gypsies tho). Edit, you might not find too many as its not legal playing in the streets, probably better off with parks, bars etc - maybe you'll spot someone.
Thanks for the reply. Yesterday I spotted some live action in one of the bars, but It was jazzy, and noone isnide had an idea that'd help me. Do you know of any places in particular offering live rock music to the customers? I guess place like this would provide me at least some connections.
Late reply.. was it fun? :P
not gypsies tho
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