[*] France


even with getting the best player of the world out of the game with an unfair foul hahahaha... u played so damn bad and u know that im right about that

image: traenenfrosch

but with so bad fans who are just whistling and booing when the opponent has the ball and not even one own fan chant (FAKING ICELAND :;D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D) im not even surprised!

deserved loser!
Had to log in for this one, PORTUGAAAAAAAAAAL!
Écouter Ma jouer de parler et d'apprendre le football proprement putain de grenouille
that translation is awesome :D
Gg Portugal, but you are a kid
image: CnBwTsFWAAAU6K0

And nothing, UMTITI stepping on them like hes dancing, fucking retarded ref obviously in favor of France entire game yet they couldnt win, even after getting Ronaldo off.

Where Pogba??????? BUHAHAHAH hopefully ManU waste their 120mil€ on him and Real makes a wise choice and doesnt buy him.
Rofl you seem upset cause you got raped in semis LOL
im one of the happiest atm :) life goes on mate, ofc without any champion title with such fans and such soccer plays
Don't call me mate, mate. It is all fine, France >>>>>>>>> Germany by country miles though LOL
u know ur absolutely wrong there, mate
2 mistakes, 1 penalty, no skills at all...

what happened at the wc btw? did u win it? who bashed u away? with real and much better soccer?

stop being so mad, u know that u played so shit at all and didnt deserve the title anyways
You're the one getting mad :D But you are a kid so it's ok, get over it, you lost, you're upset so you had to create a journal of a team you don't even support to provoke once again!

Silver medal > Bronze/4th place
why are u arguing with "ur a kid" always? no other arguments?hahaha was so damn clear that this is coming from someone whos younger :DdDddD

if it was a provocation it totally worked out so damn hard towards u, so whos mad? :DDdDD theres no reason dude, no one expected france to win the trophy with such a bad team and so bad fans....

maaaaaaaaaad :FdDdDDD

trophy > losing in quarterfinals hahahahaha
Soccer.... its called football, stop being murican fag.
soz, but no. france not even top10.


P.S. I dont give a fuck about if you dont give a fuck about fifa world ranking.
Argentina first? Already by that i cant take that list serious :D
Then define top10, we are 7th. Next time wait a bit for the Fifa ranking to be updated and think again.
And we were so deep because we didn't play the Euro qualifiers matches, nothing much.

PS: It's funny to see that Belgium aka WorldChampionOfFriendlyMatches are still ranked second lolz. Never went further than a 1/4 finals in major competition -> second in Fifa ranking. Atleast Argentina made it to 3 major finals in a row eventho they didn't win them, still huge.
"raped" pls
2-0 in an EuroCup is being raped. Like Belgium go smashed down by Italy
look how mad he is ahhaah
Germany ? where ? oh disqualified in semi final. What is the point to write a journal about France - Portugal ? You are not French or Portuguese, u are probably the one who mad here.
didnt mean u btw, but the point was/is totally clear for smart peepz
not really. France deserved the match based on the 2nd half for sure but not after the first. Germany was dominating france in the 1st half and a stupid mistake costs them that penalty.

And Italy outsmarted us in that match definitely :) I probably would even be a better coach than wilmots during matches. If we had a decent coach we could have won this euro easily (in theory).

edit: this must have been the most boring big tourneys i have seen. The change to add the 4 best teams who finished 3rd in groups was really not a good move for the games imo.
Yeah on paper you had an amazing team, his choices were weird indeed!
Thats what u get when u have two useless overpriced faggots in team, while Italy showed what means tournament team, same with Spain, too many old faggots in game instead of bringing some fresh blood, get Italy and no chances at all.
For once Snatix, im in your side... ppl are mad cause they got owned.... Germany cannot win all the time even if I like this team like my 2nd team.. This time, France was better.. and Portugal cheated with hands and simulated as always...

The patheticest team of the tournement has won the Euro, with 1 match won in 90 min on 7 matchs played.. and ofc, the only match they've won is against Wales that was privated of one of their best player Ramsey.. GGGGGGG

They've lead 73 minutes on 720 in the Euro.. and they call that Best Team of Europe ? plz...
Island was more deserving than Portugueses... Portugal is the team that deserve the less this victory from all the Teams in the tournement...

Just pathetic..
wouldn't really call France better than Germany in that semi, yeah they performed better in the second half, but Germany was the better team in the first half. they played it clever though and took their chances, when they had to, so most likely deserved, and I really wanted to puke, when I saw the kind of football Germany played, while not having a real forward on the pitch.

Since you brought up the point of Portugal only winning cause Ramsey didn't play, same goes for France, would have liked to see, what the final result vs. Germany would have been, if Hummels wasn't out for those obviously total bullshit 2 yellow cards he got, and just take into consideration what would have been with Gomez not injured, Boateng being able to finish the game, Khedira not injured and so on, just picking up your point right there.

And hell yeah, Portugal didn't play a good tournament, probably had the most easy route from the quarters onwards and even had an easy group, and they profited of that bullshit rule of the best third getting to quarters, which as some already said, is the dumbest decision UEFA could have come up with. In the end though, they won all their games, if they would have been that bad, they wouldn't have won, they might not be the best, but they won all their games, doesn't matter how, they kinda deserve it.
wenigstens einer, der vernünftig ist :D
sagt wer? xD nur weil ich nicht total durch die rosa rote deutschlandbrille schaue?
naja, sowas scheint im internet die ausnahme zu sein :D
sad but true, die Geburtsstätte der trolls
Wieso alle nicht genauso denken raff ich nicht , gj! :) so und nicht anders.
Hahah so much salt in one comment, have u even watched one game? Iceland and Austria were defending 90 min, while PT had over 20 shots on their goal at both games, Iceland one chance and luck goal, while against Hungary they had bad luck with two goals being rebounded from defence, stop being so salty, they won Wales properly, while Wales raped Belgium and nearly won England as well.
If France couldnt win it even with injuring Ronaldo and with all those talents then by all means, shut the fuck up and dont say they didnt deserve to win in finals, this is how u play tournaments, Italy is a prime example of it and look how easily they got over Belgium and Spain.
Was waiting for this
French people are arrogant pricks, I'm glad they lost

Hostill is a massive retard

Provok is obviously not browsing cf today. Typical french mongol :)
More like typical person with things to do in his life. You can't know about this, I forgive you.
And don't talk about french being arrogant, just take a look at the german newspapers before France-Germany. That is why I made a journal. They were fucking arrogant and laughing at our defenders. No hate there.
QuoteAnd don't talk about french being arrogant, just take a look at the german newspapers before France-Germany. That is why I made a journal. They were fucking arrogant and laughing at our defenders. No hate there.

please do some research next time before you post a picture of B.Z. again... it is a subsidiary of Axel Springer AG ("Bild" is also published by them) and thus absolutely SHIT. "Bild" respectively Axel Springer AG (in this case B.Z.) is known to be polemic and sensational. furthermore it lacks journalistic standards. one could say that the Bild newspaper is an organ of infamy.

no reputable newspaper would have printed such bullshit like B.Z. did.
And I won't talk about the Belgians who thought they were already European Champions because they won 5 friendly matches LOL. Talking about arrogance...
congrats punky <3
French journalists mad as f*ckkkkkkk i bet!
frogs mad they dont change the Eiffel tower colors.

Je t'aime Portugal!!!
#JESUISPORTUGAL would rather refer to Portugal losing. Wrong hashtag :D
You are a sad child.
if this thread wasn't made by german I wouldn't comment
Still mad cus you got raped by France l0l
"rape"? pls
the 7-1 against brazil was rape but not a 2-0 which was caused by individual mistakes. i would rather say that france got raped: having 30% possession as the host in a semi final with a midfield consisting of players like pogba and matuidi.. that shows how cruel football can be.

anyway, i am glad that it's finally over. this was one of the worst, if not the worst, ECs ever.
Just for info, possesion means shit, prime example is Barca and with their all possesions they still cant do shit against certain teams, good case was Bayern before Guardiola time when they absolutely demolished Barca and their silly tika-taka.

Thing ppl dont realize is Germany missed 4 important players, Gomez, Boateng from the time he got injured, Hummels and Kheidira, would of been different game if all of them played.
Just messing around;p

The ball possession doesnt mean anything imo, some teams prefer not having the ball. Germany had enough opportunities to score a goal, but they didnt. If you play against France you know they have individual players like Pogba, Griezmann and Giroud to make a goal
Still mad cus shit and didnt even get into Euro? :DDDD
Lol I honesly don't give a fuck about EC or WC. I would cheer for NL if they would win and celebrate with everyone, but would not care either if they get kicked out in the groupstage.

I prefer watching club football, especially Ajax. Still upset cus Bazoer aka new Pogba didnt play in our championship game, lost it and now we are 2nd.
Ajax pretty much fucked it up on its own by losing that last game vs PSV if im not mistaken right?
Well, we won vs PSV with 2-0. But Ajax tied 1-1 vs De Graafschap on the last matchday, Knowing they ended up on the last place, playing 2nd division next season pisses me off :D
it should be Poland in final instead of...
ye or Croatia. But they robbed every team they played against so... :P
haha france get rekt #HUH !
Où sont les français?
Et la Suisse ?
Tell my gf i'm gonna watch switzerland vs albania.
"Oh you mean albania vs albania?"
hahah duh, half of Swiss consists of those faggots.
You all talk like you are a part of the fucking team LOL
RETArd y0
I noticed the same. :D
some classic crossfire action going on

image: giphy
my thoughts exactly :D
Morocco > Portugal > France > Wales > Germany
Next person to use the word mad gets an extended summer vacation.
I made it into your inbox!
If you think my mood depends on a football game then your life must be pretty sad lel
fucking mad german spotted lel
switzerland shouldnt have lost against polaks. rest is just a result of unskilled teams and UEFA heads 8 : ]
Could be worse could be English.
Regardless of the results, this topic is ridiculous. I would really kill myself if I was born with your mental Stray.
cu lan

image: hqdefault
hope its good :D
Another anime I would recommend is Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu. If you aren't watching it already. It's continuing from last season and it's currently on episode 15. The first 2 arcs were really good and now it's on its 3rd arc, which is making this the best anime of 2016 for me. Btw the first episode is 50 min. long and the rest are the usual 23 min.
Dude, after 15th episode ending there was no word to describe the holyness of this anime. Everyone going full mad including Puck.
Re Zero kept surprising me. Spectators start thinking it can't be worse all the time. But it's just wrong.
It's surely the best 2016 anime by far. And worst ones are surely kabaneri and terraformars s2 xd kappa xd xd.
We'll talk about it when I can catch you on irc :D

e: if u got more stuff for me PM
Listen Bitches.

As me being already well known player of that bitches and judge of scumbags characters and crawling insects, I deliberate that this should have been the victory of France for the following reasons:

1. Ronaldo, even if he cares my name, is a fucking cunt. I don t care how much money he has, is enough to look on his face and to see a walking dildo.
2. I worked with portuguesse people side on side for 2 years now and I can guarantee you that if in the future The Purge will become reality the first thing I am gonna do is shoot as many portuguesse as I can. Shoot them with a fucking bazooka and blow their fucking brown faces into the sky. I have not been involved in more trash in my entire life than I have been with this people, and I met a lot of fucking trash people all over the world.
3. For what Paris endured

And if you don t like this post, fuck you!
u upset m8?
m8? I wil give you the 9 if you can hold on the 6
Are you broken?
too bad admins are still mad in 2016 and remove my comments
come 1v1 me faggot
oke. I wait for you in Antwerp. I am afraid until next year I won t come again to Marsilia.

P.S. Why u even mad you little wanker, I actually took France side
France doesnt need 3rd world countries on its side and ok cu antwerp im gonna put your ballz on your eyes
France is a 3rd world country right now and Marseille looks like it got out from some ISIS movie. Let me know when you are in Antwerp. And bring your medical insurance with you too, you gonna need it
If France is 3rd world country then lemme know what your gypsy country is.
now listen here you douchebag: Is useless to argue with you or even to try to troll you. Trolling or argueing with a mentally challenged person would make out of me a complete fool. And I am a Legend, Sir!

Now, if you don t mind I will go and pray for the people, including the Romanians, who died and/or were injured in Nice.\



A Romanian in Marseille!
K when you stopped lying to yourself let me know.
well that s a new one. Lying to myself, with what? What exactly from what I said is a lie, compared to all the shit you said, which is nothing else but same crap I heard since 10 years ago?
Interesting, you still wanna talk to me? Make up your mind eheh
I have hard time deciding if talking or beating the shit out of you. But since you are not face 2 face in real life, obviously is the first one.

Now if you re read my comments you will see I mentioned good things on your country and bad on Portugal. I mentioned that we are francophone country. And I mentioned I beat the shit out of you. All of this being true, compared to the shit you wrote.

I stick to my taught, unless you have better arguments, besides this stupid trolls.
Maybe you're a legend in your small city with 200 inhabitants but noone has ever heard about you. Also a legend wouldn't deny his gypsy roots.
My city has 150000 inhabitans is called Sibiu in Romanian and Hermanstadt in German. It was European Cultural city in 2007 and one of the most beautiful cities in the world, admired by Prince Charles himself.

May I remind you or perhaps inform you that this year on the elections of city mayor of Bucharest, we had a french lady signing in for it? She lost, to pitty, since we have a german president, but I am sure you did not know that one either.

Well it does not matter what you say cause what you say is shit you eat from stupid ugly kebap shops in Marseille, a city where every hour somebody dies.

Let me entertain you with this chart:


Eat shit and die hard putain!
so you're saying, france should have won, because there were terrorist attacks in the near past?
You sir are retarded and dumb!
logging in just to say


but anyway happy for Portugal, with some flawless chain logic - Hungary - Portugal 3:3 therefore Hungary>France and every1 else (except Portugal ofc)
The amount of luck u had in that game was over 9000, stop being silly, served properly after from Belgium.
u revived cf for a few days ggwp
how does it feel to lose to a shit team?
now they know how we feel bra
Arthur est un perroquet.
France > Germany in any sport and esport so don't be mad :(

Portugal are the lowest team to ever win a major title (atleast Greece in 2004 were trying to score before penalties or OT), they were supposed to go out in groupstage if this Euro wasn't a fucking joke about "best 3rd team qualifies". This has totally lowered the level of this competition. They only won a single match during the 90mins mark, this is an absolute joke. But hey Ronaldo will win Ballon d'Or by getting carried by Real Madrid during UCL final and also in Euro since he was utterly shit the whole tournament.

I'm not mad at all about France. We played better during the finals, Rui Patricio had the game of his life so we couldn't score and also hit the fucking "bar" at the end. They were lucky to score on their 2nd shot on target by a fucking flop that is called Eder (this guy has more Euros than Eusebio ayyy lmao).

Our young generation is the best with Argentina, the next World Cup will be ours and Portugal will go out in groupstage as they deserved during Euro. See you in 2 years when Griezmann, Pogba, Umtiti, Laporte, Zouma, Martial, Coman etc... will be even stronger than they are.

I'm proud of what France did during the Euro, nobody expected us this far, even french medias were trashing Griezmann after the first game and then he literally solo carried us and raped Germany like he raped Bayern during UCL. Neuer can't do shit against him, that's all.

All the people saying that france didn't deserve the win against Germany are fucking insane, we had more shots on target overall than they did with 60% possession. The only thing I can agree with is that you had your best players injured. But we played the whole Euro with Giroud and Gignac as forwards, everyone has his little problems :D

And the fact you (stRay) talk about "soccer" says enough about your football knowledge.
a quote you said above:

QuoteAnd don't talk about french being arrogant [...]

QuoteFrance > Germany in any sport and esport so don't be mad :(

QuoteOur young generation is the best with Argentina, the next World Cup will be ours

Quotehe literally solo carried us and raped Germany like he raped Bayern during UCL. Neuer can't do shit against him, that's all.

you are contradicting yourself :D
he mad still..
I'm not being arrogant, just stating facts. Can you name a better young generation than France since we won the last u20 World Cup in 2013 with Pogba, Umtiti & co ?
And yes Griezmann is the player that scored the most against Neuer this year as far as I know.
you are using the u20 world cups as an indicator for a strong youth generation? germany's u20 lost 2015 (didn't qualify in 2013) to mali, and serbia won the cup while france didn't even qualify for that cup as the title defender. does that mean that mali and serbia have a better youth generation than france and germany? these tournaments are vacuos.

germany's overall age with the extended squad is at 25,23 and france's is at 27,21. just for a simple comparison i am going to name all players that are < 23 years old and are currently in the extended squad for germany and france:

ginter (22)
rüdiger (23)
tah (20)
can (22)
weigl (20)
kimmich (21)
draxler (22)
brandt (20)
sané (20)
volland (23)

aréola (23)
varane (23)
zouma (21)
umtiti (22)
digne (22)
pogba (23)
kondogbia (23)
coman (20)
martial (20)
fekir (22)

england for example has also a (strong) potential youth generation. how come that you say that france's generation is the best instead of acknowledging germany's, england's and all the other countries' generations? that makes you totally arrogant
Just compare the clubs where the french and german youngsters are playing for...

You should also mention the players that will probably play in 2 years : Laporte, Lucas Hernandez, Ousmane Dembélé, Thomas Lemar etc... Don't forget we had Evra (35) and Sagna (32). They pushed up the overall age of the squad and won't be there in 2016 I guess (atleast Evra for sure). I agree about England tho but they always choke so I didn't mention them :D

PS: in 2015 half of our u20 were already playing in main squad, because they are good, you know.
QuoteJust compare the clubs where the french and german youngsters are playing for...

ginter (22) -> BVB
rüdiger (23) -> AS Roma
tah (20) -> Leverkusen
can (22) -> Liverpool
weigl (20) -> BVB
kimmich (21) -> Bayern
draxler (22) -> Wolfsburg
brandt (20) -> Leverkusen
sané (20) -> (Schalke) probably Manchester City (or Bayern?) soon
volland (23) -> Hoffenheim

aréola (23) -> he's the 2nd goalkeeper behind Trapp at PSG
varane (23) -> Real
zouma (21) -> Chelsea
umtiti (22) -> just transfered to Barca from Lyon
digne (22) -> just transfered to Barca from PSG
pogba (23) -> Juventus
kondogbia (23) -> Inter
coman (20) -> Bayern
martial (20) -> Manchester United
fekir (22) -> Lyon

so what? digne for example will be BU for alba and barca also asked hector (:D). just because they signed them doesn't mean anything. first of all they have to manage to get a spot in the main lineup. draxler won't stay forever at wolfsburg and just look at the rumours (draxler to real, draxler to manchester united etc). of course manchester united and chelsea have a higher reputation than leverkusen but they have been slacking for quite some time now and at least leverkusen will be playing in the CL lolololol.

QuoteYou should also mention the players that will probably play in 2 years : Laporte, Lucas Hernandez, Ousmane Dembélé, Thomas Lemar etc...

i didn't mention the players that have the potential to play in a few years as well: mahmoud dahoud, max meyer, julian brandt, leon goretzka etc

QuoteDon't forget we had Evra (35) and Sagna (32). They pushed up the overall age of the squad

true, but we also have/had podolski (31), gomez (31) and schweinsteiger (31).

PS: the U21 champions in 2009 became world champions in 2014 and some of the new youngsters didn't play in every UXX teams / just played a few matches with them and then joined the 1st team, because they are good, you know
Provok supports his country and gives his opinion. He thinks they are the most promising and he is not scared to say what he thinks. That's not being arrogant. I'm sorry.

The first main purpose of forums is debating/opinion sharing.
In this topic and on this website, I can see shit load of arrogant piece of shit just stating facts with one line.
And you are telling me that provok the guy who wrote freaking 15 lines to defend his opinion is being arrogant...
Since when telling ur opinion with arguments is being arrogant? Yeah, since he's french.

stfu scrub

omg u are so arrogant

e: <3

QuoteThe first main purpose of forums is debating/opinion sharing.

image: db550bb516759962ce066f5b0e9acc98aaab778f_full
omg u are so arrogant
Toi même tu le sais jeune chenapan
finally some reading-worthy journal :D must have been ages since the last one
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