Computer chairs

The computer chair I've been using for the past decade is old and broken, so I kinda need a new one.

Any recommendations? What kind of computer chair do you guys use? It doesn't have to be some l33t gaming chair, just something that's comfortable and has armrests and isn't ridiculously expensive.

Found this one in an old journal, seems fine I guess but I'd like to see some others too. Pictures would be nice!
stop being fat and u wont break chairs! <3

image: cadeira-de-balanco-de-madeira-6
have the same markus design chair for like about 10 years, thought about getting a new markus chair when this one kicks the bucket :d
Haha I bought Markus too! Best chair!
hah on kyl kova. swani sai pisteitä tuolistaan, atm oot 1/10 ny mun mielee!
Get one of those chairs that look like car racing seats in an attempt to trick yourself into thinking there is any excitement in your life.
Or can get an old car seat and weld the bottom of the old swivel chair onto it, cheaper and just as good :PPp
Future wannabe, Bullwinkle J. Moose looking motherfucker
I agree. The beat is lit tho. No1 understands what he's saying, still everyone goes ham on it haha
won't work :'(
What is your price range? Usually the more expensive is more comfortable, durable etc.
Sad but true.
less than $500 I suppose
Maybe you can get a Herman Miller from craigslist or whatever. They are really expensive in EU. Maybe cheaper in US tho.
will look into it, thanks
I ll come to US in the next 5 years .You have the guts to meet me?
Marcus would love it =)!
Actually I got a l33t gaming chair, Dxracer Chief SRS. Have had it for 3 years now, still as new. Not sure if this exact model is still available, but yes, this is comfortable and durable, price was 289e + delivery 35e( Considering this will last forever, the price is fair.

image: 263306948

or if it doesn't work:

or if that doesn't workm just copy&paste that link. Weird.
Don't know if I have to cry or laugh. lol....
Mate of mine has that chair at his office. He's a animator or smtn so he sits the entire day. Those are really comfortable! Not sure why someone would spend €200,- on a chair if you don't need it for 8 hours per day tho.
yeah it seems decent, might go check it out in-store some time this week

maybe not quite 8 hours a day but I was pretty close to it for a while :P
dxracer or maxnomic
get a higher desk and play standing
+1 for healthy gaming
i have a wooden chair
Got a Ahrend 220 very good chair.
how much did you pay for it?
150 euro's second hand.
fair enough, thanks
Right now I sit in something similiar to that, but I find a cushion/hybrid(or whatever it is called) backrest much more comfortable than net.
widac ze ameryka to niedojebany kraj, 2016 i sie pytaj o krzeslo do kompa na zdechlym portalu zamiast podejsc do jakiegos sklepu i potestowac posiedziec :XD nara kurwa
what a badass, insulting someone in a language he doesn't know 8)
i have been using this chair for ~ 3 years now and i highly recommend it. it meets your criteria: it is comfortable, has armrests and is also not very expensive.

image: 0310004900-1600Wx1600H
gotta love these replies :DD
Get a spinner instead of chair, reking nerds while getting in shape for next olympics.
<01:36:47> "deryyn":
<01:36:53> "deryyn": my gaming chair

1/5 but seems to be working for her, so..
kup se takie zeby Ci kurwa dupsko peklo jak bedziesz na nim wdupcal kolejnego czisa
image: f0ba_game_of_thrones_throne_replica

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