what if?

What if we would give another chance to those who have been banned in the past? I mean ET is already dead and this game has nothing to lose anyway.So this thing might increase the activity or atleast i hope it would.
Players like: Polandupload

Atleast the admins can try it, like i said before this game has nothing to lose so.

Best regards,
Damon Salvatore
Just download
Fuck you nejm, stop replying and deleting your comments.
couldnt externalize how i want to unban upload, i felt like words were not enough to explain my feelings.
forever in my heart, The God of Aimbo... Aimskills.
incredibly stupid idea which has already been proposed (and rejected) many many times in the past, usually by cheaters and cheaterlovers

and there are like 10 players banned on CG so even if an admin was dumb enough to actually unban them it wouldn't do anything for activity
When you have nothing to lose it might become an incredible idea tbh
that's a nice sentence and all but this has zero chance of happening and zero chance of improving the state of ET
there's not really "nothing to lose" though. if we suddenly unbanned all the cheaters, I can think of at least a few negative consequences off the top of my head.
Sssst thé master has spokén. When master speeks, yu lissen.
When master not watching, we sjeet and speek lot of shit about master.
Master used pic of college professor. Master gonna get ass beat.

PM me: and I'll explain how I played during my banned period.
Would love to see Base vs USA guys/nuubs/ipod again. Good old troll days, I miss them.
how bout you just head on back to your "I need friends" journal instead tough guy
Haha did I hit a nerve there? What a surprise ;)
thanks but I can't beat anyone without cheats especially those very talented players :( nice of you to still support me though despite what a pathetic multi-busted cheater I am!

trigger trigger trigger
Yeah especially one particular 'admin' and one outdated-Apple-product fan are easy to 'trigger'.

I'm waiting on that admin to 'punish me' again. I have finely something to get him back on.
Trying to trigger him, without actually trigger him directly.
you have 'autism'

QuoteI have finely something to get him back on.

this should be good, let's hear it
I actually do.
At this state of ET I would gladly welcome cheaters with open arms.
can't say I'm surprised
Only challenge in this game :3
Thought about the same :D
Why dont u just create a leaguè where cheating is allowed
but after getting banned several times they probably finally learned their lesson and will never cheat again...

Good idea! And if you dont cheat, you get banned!
that's called CS:GO matchmaking
how to call it? league of legends?
Wouldn't be a smart move in my opinion
there will be enough players to host the nc :333 :vvv :3
this is the best idea anyone could have come up with.
so the 4 remaining 3on3 teams will get 2 more competitors in the fiercely contested 3on3 league. i can imagine that the banned players have huge interest in playing officials against each other at the current state of ET.
rather collect ideas how to decrease the stupidity and retarded behavior of players on NBS
This one is ez:

Remove PL -> all problems solved.

However in that case there would be no players at all.
I remember the times back in 2003-2004 when you had just a couple of polish teams that where good and nice like Iron Cross and Poison and friendly. I think this is mainly because the PC requirements of ET back than, only the middle and upper-class where able to afford a PC to run ET. About 3 years later I saw a lot more Polish teams and players, because they could now afford a PC to run ET. Since then we also had more cheaters. But the last few years it's mostly Poland that is keeping ET alive, so it was not that bad... Like you say. They ruined the game a bit when it was still in very good shape, but now keeping it alive.
Who are the retards on NBS then?
... what is the matter with you?
Poland gnajda avi
image: mind_blown

best idea 2k16
They are banned because people don't want to play with them.
exactly, upload didnt even need to cheat to get banned, they just didnt want to play against him :/
didn't you get second chance thought
ce pula mea?
I'd rather not play.
Guess someone got tired of losing so he has to unban all his cheater buddies to actually win again, as Rong alone cant help u enough? hahah silly dumb ppl.
Actually I didnt know that this idea was rejected in the past aswell. Anyway I understand now that is not possible. I put it like that just because I was thinking of increasing the activity somehow.
I don't know if you're implying here I'm cheating, but at current state of ET any activity would be good.
Kernwaffe <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
ce ar fi daca ai suge pula la un caine mort?
Din.punctul meu de vedere esti o nulitate de om. Esti atat de prost incat vii aici unde esti dispretuit de toata lumea si imi comentezi mie in jurnal. Cine pula mea la gura ta esti tu prapaditule? :-? Vrei sa te desfiintez in 3 cuvinte de sa iti ineci amarul intr-un pahar de sloboz caldut de cal ca sa iti revii cu picioarele pe pamant? Si dupa sa te regasesti pentru tot restul vietii tale in ipostaza ca un pusti de 20 de ani te_a facut sa te simti ca ultimu om.

Te pupa Damon <3

P.S: sa nu te mai prind pe aici ca ne suparam, nu o sa iti mai dau voie la pc la ore asa tarzii ;-)
stai putin, ca eram ocupat cu ma ta. Imi sugea pula mai ceva ca sora ta, in parcare in Ferentari. Copil de 20 de ani? La varsta ta, dadeam deja la muie, dar tu inca trebuie sa descoperi cum sa o sugi fara sa o uzi. Bei pipi de caine in fiecare dimineata si zici ca e lapte. Ma ta are atata pula in ea, ca nici toata curvele din Spania nu au supt mai mult. Vrei sa imi sugi pula de dimineata asa? O desfiintez pe ma ta si o fac posta in statul islamic, caca m as pe coliva ta sa ma cac, sa mi fac schiuri din mormantul tau si sa ma pis pe fata ta de spermatozoid constipat ce esti.

Din punctul meu de vedere esti un bulangiu care va fi omorat cu pietre cat de curand. Un bulangiu care va lua pule de musulman in cur si in gura si in toate orificiile. O pula mare de 25 de cm iti va penetra anusul ala scrifojit de handicapat retardat. Hai sictir in gatul ma ti si al mortilor ma ti!
S-a activat pasarica din tine cacatel? :))dupa ce ca imi copiezi replicile ca un copil de 15 ani care plange dupa pasarica, iti plange orgoliul in tine amaratule :)))) ti-am zis sa nu te mai prind pe aici ca nu te suporta nimeni mai putin ma-ta care trebuie sa isi suporte progenitura de fiinta care este un total ratat :( nu mai porni un schimb de replici din moment ce nu esti in stare sa legi 2 cuvinte fara sa injuri si mai ales cu mine copie ieftina care esti :P
Continua sa plangi pentru tot restul vietii tale de ratat pentru ca oricum ar fi treaba tot ai fost distrus de un copil de 20 de ani :-D

P.S:Daca viata ar avea pula s-ar pisa pe tine prietene <3 <3
bai ratatule, mars in mortii ma ti si bea ti lapticul de dimineata, ca ti s a atrofiat creierul
stai pe banii lu ma ta si a lu tactu, care amandoi sug pula sa ti plateasca tie covrigul ce ti l iei la scoala.

mai da te sa mi sugi pula de constipat imputit de pokemon bulangiu de copil al internetului sa o fac pe ma ta posta in statul islamic.

baga mi as pula in coliva ma ti
Degeaba chițăi ca asta nu schimba cu nimic faptul ca m-am pisat pe tine ratatule :)) :p
baga r ai pula in ma ta sa bagi ca fata in fata te bateam pana intrai in coma futu ti christosii ma ti. ma pis eu pe tine intr o buna zi fraiere, de ai norocul sa ma intalnesti, futu ti pa ma ta in gura de pizda de bulangiu de poponar imputit
ai inceput cu amenintarile? ti-am mai zis eu tie, familia si sa poti respira fara aparate sunt o binecuvantare pe care ar trebuii sa o imbratisezi, ti-as dorii sa ma intalnesti si probabil dupa ce ti-ai revenii din prostiile tale ti-as schimba principiile in viata( nu ti-o spun cu suparare sau ura) am realizat cu toate ca am o varsta frageda ca ceea ce oferi ti se intoarce de 100 de ori in mai bine sau mai rau depinde doar de actiunile si gandurile noastre. Toti suntem victima actiunilor noastre.Cu acestea fiind spuse eu am incheiat acest schimb de replici fara sens cu tine.
mars ma in motii ma ti, mai sus ziceai ca te pisi pe mine, hai fata in fata sa te vad ce mai spui ca sterg trotuarul cu fata ta
I miss the admins who ban cheaterlovers from crossfire.
deine gifs immer :DDDDD
ich bin auf DaNes antwort gespannt, weil er nämlich progerie-erkrankte nicht ertragen (sehen) kann. seine reaktionen dazu waren immer sehr amüsant
ich komm dir gleich durch den monitor!! packt der diesen typen aus ahhh eckelHAFT xd
Hahaha damon m8
Cheating is for pussys
t'en as une belle de pussy toi salope
what if you put on oven mitts when using computer?
I am so embarrassed
The only thing that would be needed if you unbanned all the cheaters is an AntiCheat to ban all the retards who think its possible to cheat again! As we have no anticheat that is effective to do this I would make this as a bad idea!

Think about it! ETPro is old and is dead due to cheaters! Why bring back more cheaters?
Those players you named shoudl be banned forever for cheating so long/playing with cheaters (upload, base at least)
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