Debian Mail Server help needed


would need someone who could take a quick look at my debian server's mail configuration to make sure everything is set up correctly without getting me on any nasty block/spam lists and with correct security and filters.
  • Basically I am running 4 different domains, each with several mail accounts / forwarders.
  • OpenDKIM + SPF + DMARC (opendmarc) is installed/setup.
  • FQDN, and everything SHOULD be correct.. but I am not totally sure.

I am asking because:

some mails that I send will sometimes not go through.
I sometimes do not receive e-mail from others.
I get spoofed e-mails (sender is my own e-mail) with spam + virus content.

Would let you check via teamviewer on my windows/archlinux which is connected to the debian 8 server.

Can offer $, webspace, bnc, and a thank you ?
Quotesome mails that I send will sometimes not go through.

Is your mx record configured correctly? Some providers are blocking mails from domain without a proper mx record.
Yes, I have mx records for every domain

e.g.: "A" to Server-IP "MX" to

e.g.2: "A" to Server-IP "MX" to

Btw I am also using "froxlor" to manage domains/customers/mail/etc..

FQDN + hostname =
one word


and mutt
I am using postfix... And parabola's icedove as client.

but configuring postfix is not that easy, especially if you want to use it for business and need it to be 100% reliable and bulletproof :(
Windows mail server
is tehre for a reason
Before I suggest something what's your mail volume / website / month?

If you have correct MX records + SPF + rDNS set up correctly you shouldn't have any issue.

When you are saying mails will not go through i.e. are they getting stuck in postfix que or being reject by 3rd party mail servers?
Between 20GB amd 180GB... Depending on how active the content om the website(s) gets refreshed.

For mails, it is mainly me using mail accounts.

I believe I have set up the MX records, SPF and rDNS correctly but would like to have someone to doublecheck it.

I think they are beeing rejected by the other mail servers. But sometimes I am also not getting mails from ither websites.

Could be my and their spam/block/reject policy? Which means some of my settings could be wrong which ends up getting rejected by others?

Also lately I am getting shit tons of spoofed emails to myself from my own e-mail.
Can u PM me your website, virtual IP which you use in either Nginx or apache and rdns? I will check and get back to you. PM me.

Make sure you don't have open relay for postfix or that would cause lot's of issue for you. Are you using SMTP for sending mails or just php function?
Omg omg it's beasty!!
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