
greetings cf users,

i have been practicing bioenergetics for almost a year now (NetherlandsTesti recommended it to me, thanks again btw!). during this period i managed to not only gain a lot of muscle mass but also incredible strength and my overall health condition improved. it is scientifically proven that this method opens the doors of your body and releases the hidden strength inside your body (hence testi's "my body is ready"). maybe one of you has already experience with bioenergetics and wants to share it with us.

i highly recommend to watch this video:

still you don't know how to shoot so what's the point of doing it
i don't know what shooting in an online game has to do with bioenergetics. the online world is not the only world that exists mr. bloodje.

ps: didn't see your name in the official sign-ups list for the 3er LAN and we all know how your offline performance was ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
entire country of poland dodges their own LAN and expects everyone to think they're legit...ok
Quote450 dpi
2.72 in-game sensitivity
6/11 windows sensitivity
all acceleration turned off or eliminated

says monco

I refuse to believe this isn't satire.
I'll stick to my combination of crossfit and powerlifting. I don't believe in that bioenergetic shit and in fact, there is no actual proof it works
There is no proof crossfit and powerlifting work either. Just fancy names means nothing.
Well, both are basically collections of functional excercises which are common within weightlifting, as well as the athlete scenes of all kinds of sports. Just that they are based on different philosophies.

The main reason I chose these two is that I play american football as a linebacker, and crossfit overall works out best for me to gain and upkeep strength endurance and additionally I throw in common powerlifting excercises, to raise my overall strength.

There is no way you can proof that the workout one does is the most effective one can actually do, but it is indisputable that these excercises do not contribute to ones fitness.
burn this heretic
when are we going to see you in the next BodybuildingRev episode?
:D I can't claim I can keep up with guys like Rengel, in fact, I'm happy to even able to bench 3rep 120kg, but they do like what, 260+?
nah not that much :D rengel benched 180kg at the german powerlifting championship. the current world's strongest man, brain shaw, benches 238kg btw
well, the strongest bench you mentioned is not actually true, I know of a few who bench 300kg+ raw

Also the 180kg happened 2 years ago

Edit: Just found a list of results of the world classic championships of 2016, the best in the 2016 class within his weight group do 200+

i didn't say that the 238 kg are the world record. i used brian shaw's 238 kg bench press as a comparision. he is the winner of the last world's strongest man edition ( i know that there are several records beyond 300 kg.

i watched rengel's VLOG a few months ago and thought it was the latest championship :s
Yeah, but regarding the disciplines in Strongmen competitions bench isn't so important, it's more about push press, deadlift and clean kind of movements
Quote it is scientifically proven

alright if u find me 5 primary literature or studies then I will believe you, but not some shit from pseudo "doctors" pls

e: and if u want to gain muscle and get healthier shouldnt u do a rhGH therapy instead? this is actually proven
there are only 4 studies about it so far:
Ulrich Gudat (1997)
Ventling/Gerhard (2000)
Ventling/Bertschi/Gerhard (2006)
Komeda-Lutz et al. (2003/2006)

Quotee: and if u want to gain muscle and get healthier shouldnt u do a rhGH therapy instead? this is actually proven

i don't have GHD so there is no need for somatropin - it is the opposite of healthy if you don't have GHD. nandrolone or trenbolone would work but i don't want to die with 30. therefore i have to do it naturally. and the bioenergetic therapy is the best way to do it
That bioenergetic shit debate apperently never ends, no matter if within the fitness, medicine, or psychologie industry. Nothing has ever been proven and except for the typical placebo rates, that participants of medical studies reach, while being part of the control group, it's just another way to gain shitloads of money without having any real qualification at all.
I want to get healthier :<
then start with the bioenergetic therapy next week my jewish friend!


really nice one listening to it since 2 days :)
same here. that's the song about compound interest
I tried this discussion once, trust me dont...
nice one i recomand this
And I thought that I knew every retarded video of youtube
Or eat healthy and train with a schedule
too hard bruv better scream like a downie who got smth shove in his ass, gunna make u stronk
this + the bioenergetic therapy = super saiyan
You know i like super saiyan :>
my body is ready!
Pics or it didn't happen...
so when u jerk off, its basically just releasing ur anger through ur penis
If ppl were like that here, they would get free spot at
testi? haha :D
so this is basicly to avoid real work?
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