frEeze The Movie

Movie where legendary skeit34 gets rekt and squad get's shoutouted twice

Decided to upload...

thx to Polandrequem
Much hype.
Tbh not a bad one, would have been thousands times better with hitsounds
freeze the lagger
Nice movie ;)
kirurG1 :D fake frags gg :D
best part was the outro with all those old names =)
he was that estionian lagger right? god i hated to play againts him
nice movie despite not getting shoutout. would be better with hitsounds tho
such old frags :D
nice job 2 both of u estonians :D
nice movie :)
parim vilm :D
lollipääd arvavad et see on uus
tee uus noh, lisa lihtsalt pähelaskmised juurde, siis meeldib teistele ka :S
No hitsounds in an smg based fragmovie, it's 2016 and people are still retarded.
the movie was made like 8 years ago though
Turbot got owned 10/10
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