Its friday friday eheh

Like you care anyways, everyday is the same as you stay behind your computer 24/7 LOL

What's up guys?!
As admins made my journals *sticky* to help my brother United KingdomniSmO who got BANNED while he was an innocent tea drinking motherfucker I thought I could spread the love and revive a bit this gaming website which is still the bestest in 2016.

So yeah, enjoy your night sharing electronic bullets while I will be partying all night long with REAL Finland ladies. Don't be jealous you'll touch something else than your mouse one day (SPOILER: It's not your keyboard LOL I underlined and bolded this lol because its some much funnies ahahah).

Even if I like talking shit about you I still love you guys (no homosex)
#FREENISMO SPREAD THE WORD (well free francis too but as I have somethng called a life so i dont really give a shit).

image: tumblr_o9ulpyIalx1v1wvcuo1_1280

Journal sponsored by #Kernwaffeteamspeakusers #mijnBruederJiewieJonge #kurwabigmac

Awesomely yours,

Marseille Colonel Le Francis - A guy who doesn't play computer on fridays

#FREENISMO Haters can gimme their hate so I rub my titties with their hate LOL
Seems like a professional journal
Amandoa waitin fo me in da cklub cya later ma brotha
sup sexxeh :*
hallo mein herz :*
have to approve this one
So friday is fragmovie night, looks amazing my brother ENJOY!!!
dont know if trollmove or what but should work more on your syncin
doesnt need it
he killed maus multiple times
dude I spent like 3 weeks on this movie, stop hating
what the fuck :D
wait, wtf is this :D
<rossko> as far as I'm concerned, the frozen version is the serious version

Quote by Buddha Punky knows teh real shit yo!
omg francis omg
Hey waddup costume bruder
Your journals became worse as the time pass. WHERE ARE THE GOD DAMN WHALES???????
Ouèche mon frère tanguy le tennisman, les baleines c'est mon frère United Kingdom niSmO qui s'en occupe. Je prends ta haine et je la frotte sur mes nichons.
Wesh mon frère Francis du 13, brrraaah il est ou Cortex la famille tahu??? Aucune haine, juste de la paix mon frère de trolling
Ouais ouais ouais les choses se passent à fond
Je réanime ce site de vieux joueurs. C'est mieux que de trainer avec des fdp sur reddit friands de sucage de phallus. Toi même tu le sais.
You made my night and my virtual life enjoyable Francis the baguette MEISTER.
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