Freaky Friday Morning Journal #2

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

Shall we go for another round? Because YEAH BUDDY, it's Friday.... image: Alan-Rickman-Says-We-All-Get-Drunk-In-Dogma-Reaction-Gif

Random trivia about September 30th:
On September 30th 1955 film star James Dean died in a road accident.
image: tumblr_inline_o9utozclko1u7htd6_500
Neither does this guy.

Time for our usual questionnaire:

What are you guys up to today?
Work, grocery shopping and cleaning because strange people will invade my house…

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee, mate!

Plans for the weekend?
The one and only GermanyBrodots will come visit on Saturday, so basically drinking until Germanywsk vomits all over the apartment (Wer kotzt.. muss putzen!)

Anything worth mentioning happened to you this week?
First day at the new office and it's just so fucking great, like image: Why+You+Hate+Running

Let’s do two new random ones more:

Do you think the CF update was the beginning of the end of ET?
image: aint-even-mad

What’s your favorite series to watch at the moment?
Since the new season of American Horror Story just started, I’d go with that.

Now it's your turn!

Oh and don't forget the daily trivia (are we still doing this??)!
Today's Topic (Friday): General Knowledge 4 : Harder

Shoutouts to:
Anonymous WhatsApp Group, Germany schnee <3, Mauritania arclite, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Germany nicon, Ireland Duality, United Kingdom niSmO,
Europe #kernwaffe (mostly the girls tho, the guys there are ruuuuude af :D:D:D), all the glorious Europe HPC supporters

and Anonymous you, you beautiful shithead!

image: tumblr_od3tvi5Lro1s2pqhfo1_500
image: tumblr_od3izak6QL1s2pqhfo1_500
image: tumblr_oct1stBrjn1s2pqhfo1_500

image: tumblr_nhtyb4K8yQ1qej1qto1_500
image: tumblr_o8f3004HAS1u3szrko1_500<3

Some music for you guys!
Some more music for you guys!


-> just keeping because of reasons <3
kein shoutout für gott reported
das kommt davon, wenn man so ein frechdachs ist!!! ;_; außerdem wollte ich kein "stalker" sein T_T
Hola! wassup crossies, the number of replies here is so saaaaaad :(

What are you guys up to today?
work. usually fridays are only until 12.30, but obviously because I have a middle ear infection its one of those days I have to work longer and its a super duper important official business shizzle I cant skip.

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee, mate! and schokocroissant. only ate half of it though, kinda forgot to eat the rest, LoL!

Plans for the weekend?
Visiting Germany you and Wales Panda together with my France bro trying not to vomit anywhere vomit doesnt belong^^

Anything worth mentioning happened to you this week?
not really. did I mention I am ill and have a middle ear infection?

Let’s do two new random ones more:

Do you think the CF update was the beginning of the end of ET?
Nah, the update came way too late to change anything. ET was already dead by that time, wasnt it?

What’s your favorite series to watch at the moment?
none at the moment, really.
Quotemostly the girls tho, the guys there are ruuuuude af :D:D:D

ok gonna remember this one
What are you guys up to today?
Doing some administrative shits and owning some noobs (as it's friday and friday = kids play games) before hitting the cklub

What do you have for breakfast?
Woke up at noon, some fish with mixed vegetables and coffee at the end cause I need some cafein to OWN

Plans for the weekend?
You don't know it yet but coming to your appartment :XDD Havent planned shit yet as we say in FranceI live day after day with love and fresh water else I'll probably be watching LoL Worlds Championship with Korea, Republic of SKT and Korea, Republic of ROX shitting on everybody

Anything worth mentioning happened to you this week?
Got fined by the police for driving too fast but bitches don't know im bestest truck driver on ET :{DDD
Else got a job offer in Germany Bratwurstland

Do you think the CF update was the beginning of the end of ET?
I wouldnt say so but cannot say that this update kept ET alive... :XD

What’s your favorite series to watch at the moment?
Last series I watched was Breaking Bad, started watching Banshee but didn't get into it else Better Call Saul
helllo girl <3
so the random booy i cannot open :( sadpanda i am :(

What are you guys up to today?
still at work, did some reporting stuff today. evening, ts and some games

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee, pls!

Plans for the weekend?
some games, some party, long weekend in germany. trying to catch some sun on sunday. have to do some homework as well :(

Anything worth mentioning happened to you this week?
i found rakii again on crossfire and we just met yesterday on ts and had some games after i dunno 8 years?!
plus i had school and we had to show our track what we are just trying to produce and i did fine! =)

Do you think the CF update was the beginning of the end of ET?
the cf update in 2007? yes :D

What’s your favorite series to watch at the moment?
just started the get down, not sure so far about it. i just love nearly all netflix series :)
What are you guys up to today?
Tidying the house. How very eventful.

What do you have for breakfast?
Nothing today.

Plans for the weekend?
Hull City vs. Chelsea on Saturday, then Pokémon hunting whilst walking the hounds on Sunday.

Anything worth mentioning happened to you this week?
Another week off work on sick, hooray! Just had a tonsillectomy, septoplasty and turbinate reduction.

Do you think the CF update was the beginning of the end of ET?
I have no idea what this is?

What’s your favorite series to watch at the moment?
Just finished Hell on Wheels, so catching up with Last Man on Earth at the minute!
What are you guys up to today?
Had an appointment in the morning about the new course I am going to teach. Rest of the day I spend on my work. About to hit the gym and prepare for a night out!

What do you have for breakfast?
Same as always, 100 g of oats, 400 ml milk, 1 kiwi, 50 g blue berries, 1 whey shake

Plans for the weekend?
Birthday of one of my best friends on Saturday and going to the movie on Sunday

Anything worth mentioning happened to you this week?
Lost my snap chat streak with my best friend.. Further, I trolled one of my friends so hard that he kicked everybody out of the whatsapp grouped and blocked me on all social media :D Lastly, I finally found a 90+ IV eevee and when evolving into a vaporeon it had the best moveset possible at last! Also my 10 km egg hetched another f*king magmar >.<

Do you think the CF update was the beginning of the end of ET?
Wasn't around back then, can't judge

What’s your favorite series to watch at the moment?
Definitely Dragon Ball Super! Love the current Black Goku arc
what do u teach?
Hi there PaRzi,

What are you guys up to today?
Been at work, fucking tired men because I was teaching Sweden nicon english all night

What do you have for breakfast?
I had a McDonalds breakfast this morning, but I usually have 2-3 bananas. Sweden ORDER BANANA GET HYPE

Plans for the weekend?
gf coming over soon, then gonna work tomorrow and play ET in the evening.


Anything worth mentioning happened to you this week?
Just had a good solid week tbh!

Let’s do two new random ones more:

Do you think the CF update was the beginning of the end of ET?
worst thing since 5on5

What’s your favorite series to watch at the moment?
|Watching The Office US at the moment, it's fucking great. gf makes me watch Once Upon A Time too, but that is shit. honest.

Warmest regards,
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