Oh hi, please help.

Howdy folks.

So, I decided to have a game of ET today, I followed the tutorial on here, installed the relevant files and folders, but hello... I keep getting this friendly little message: "ui_mp_x86.dll"

I've ran as administrator, but to no avail unfortunately. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, much love.
PS. Member for 10 years, 9 months and 21 days - how sad is that?
Life could be worse.

11 years, 7 months and 27 days
rekt:get sheepy,

on a serious note, try to dowload it from splashdamage's website and connect to an etpro server afterwards (to get the rest of the files). had similar issues a while ago when i followed the link on this site.
Danke sehr <3
guess it worked? :)
Hello mr. Sheepy!

I can play with you if you want.

cl_nerdmode 1
It's a date. Facebook?
mIRC? I don't use facebook :/
Moi matias! mitä äijä? :)
moro jewe<3, tuu irkkiin joskus!
masaa <3 joo ei oo koneel täl hetkel, mut pitää lataa! ET:tiä mietin tos yks päivä, mut sitäkää ei oo koneel enää kovon vaihdon jäljiltä :(
Onko sul discordii tai steam? Koitan saada tipsaa ja oulaaki kiinni steamissa mut ne ei suostu hyväksyy mun kaveripyyntöjä :-D
discordi ei sano mitää, mut steami on! ceeässää tulee aina välil hakattuu aikataulujen niin sallies :D. äddää kojander! :-) voin sanoo jäbille et hyväksyy!
run exe as admin
Try to run it in compatibility with Service Pack 3 and as administrator
Do you have an etpro folder in your Wolfenstein folder?
cmon utfg
probably some permissions error. try moving the folder outside of your program files to desktop or something
Ran as admin, ran in compatibility mode and I have an etkey, etpro folder etc. I'll download it from Splash Damage and join an etpro server manually later today. Cheers guys.
wb gl bb =)
What do I see? Gg
Mike <3
get dirty bomb :3
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