I met a true legend today by accident

So I was at the hoosliif winkel today with Netherlands woott and we pumped by accident the Dutch legend Netherlands Testi! At first woott was like isn't that Testi?! Then I was laik naah. Then we stared middle of the store at him and he us but no react. I was like naah nope not him.

After that we left from the spot and the same guy gets to us and say hiiiiiii Swanidius and shakes my hand! I was like gg it is Testi! He sure is a tall guy!

We chat a little and go on our own ways!

Now you can tell a story when you met ET star real life by accident!
Quoteet legend
image: 1
Nerds going outside. I want to believe.

Btw, you guys are near Amsterdam in november?
I live there shorty wanna meet up so we can talk about how you were watching my screen at LAN :@?
Sure why not :D
Only one hour away snatix, come visit us! <3
Free sleeping place as well if u dare to spoon with swani, ill take the couch ;)
That sounds like a perfect reason to meet up!
Whatever floats your boat, bobby! ;)
I have been drinking with my friends in the locak pub and 2 random guy challenged us for a 2on2 table soccer match. They got owned. We started to talk about gaming. At the end we realised one of them is Suka Hungarian xiiiter friend who used to date my mother daily some years ago :)
Fobje trained at the same gym. He was stronger :( I often met him on the train aswell. He looks like Emily Blunt.
I met adze about a month ago on the tram.
I met my Hungarian mates several times, but unfortunately had no opportunity to see .eu friends irl. I have been too young for LANs : <

Kevin had a story about someone who kept trolling him in the university. it is the best meetingsomeonestory.
I once saw Jalo in Prague in a a shop omg omg
what the fuck are you talking about? xD
wtf u still alive?!
still alive and still strong xD
pic or never happened, ty moje ozdobná baňčičko :D
Sebhes met me at Rotterdam Central. He was very nervous he had to sit down. Also he started to stutter comparable to his aim but i told him to relax and gave him my autograph. Outlaw and gizmo can confirm.

Also i met sebhes in a club where gizmo and outlaw werent allowed to get in due lack of what DJ is spinning. This also can be confirmed by gizmo and outlaw.

Hahaha shut your dirty little mouth
As far as I can remember I never met an ET player by accident, but I met many many on purpose! I still like to hang out with people from ET if I can.

I am going to visit Chile, Santiago in January and February and already agreed with some players from Chile to meet up! Shout out Chile mgza, Chile hanS and Chile nozz
Also meet up with me in colombia by that time. Medellin area
Say hi to Javier Pena
Will do will do
cocaine is on me

Was wrestling with BelgiumbeN in a metro station, upon a bridge and in a tram, beat that
What about me nerd xd
I had mercy with you
Does meeting nickz/cartek/cartji/Tiz0/all the other nicknames he had count?
Polandski i'm coming in 8h ! Will I met the true legend wut by accident ? xD
i met Turkeykitt by accident when i was in berlin at the alexanderplatz. i gave a street musician my spare change and it turned out that it was the legend kitt himself!
prepare to meet Tanbur playing on his tanbur :)
That is a Baglama, not a Tanbur you idiot :D.

This one is the appropriate video to link, on the street with a Tanbur (the guy is not me, sorry @Kimi).


The tanbur looks like this:
Wasn't even enough buy the cheapest crap Beer!! :(
was cool meeting you brooo!
Thanks broooow!
I met Poland gooly, the one and only only one Sona.et member
Met a few by accident, like Germany Kuraigu, who thought I was sqzz at CDC4 :D
Urtier and Zerender at the same uni I used to drink at, never spoke tho x)
lol you don't even remotely look like gavin
Was just the accent I guess, heard some Welsh guy and just assumed it was him :D
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