Looks like a cheap Paladin ripoff.
Overwatch 4k+ SR stream
9 Oct 2016, 22:08
Yea man! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE9G9JGGtf0
gona try to hop in next time :D
SR? :) rahaa on kylla
sr = seasonrank
sr = skill rating
some people r calling it season rank and other skill rating :d
live again!
sorry, too bussy watching reunited get destroyed by koreans. Winghaven's experience really shined as he seemed to be the only one on the team who hadnt givent up mentally after the first map and actually had a decent shot at turning the tide of the game.
Luckily reunited gets invited to every torunament and performs good in the first round.
gief link to tide-turning video pls, evirdrevo?
Think reload&wing will switch to bf1?
inb4 out of the way 4, will be the tide-turning games.
Mr. Netsettings is still alive :D