We deserve justice 4/16 never forget


Effectus won the match but the polaks were butthurt and then got a forfeit win. But 2 of their players got banned after this match. But ofcourse they werent cheating during this match (lol).

We deserve a forfeit win. The people demand it. Thanks IceQ for pointing this out.

rezhni couldnt sleep for 2 months after this match, therefor he didnt get his rest, so we wont let this rest either.
now we'll find all bugs and ET will be reborn :D :D :D

i totally supports this journal and its creator

yuuu de manne kanker friend
kapot comeback = et reborn
Uh okay. You guys are the winners now?
I'd rate it 9/10 but OP != IceQ so I'm gonna give it a good 2+/10
never forget
Like any game including gresziek should be forfeited also :p
cheating on ET in 2016 LUL
16.04.13 21:30 CEST

m8, 3 years ago but justice needs to prevail
cheating on ET in 2013 LUL
lol nice whine.

admins will always help their friends out. i remember the old CB days with the polish admins,
we had a 3on3 match to play against iceland(could be lying and its not iceland at all)
so the match is forced and im talking to the admin, gimme contacts so we can get ip&hookers
i end up talking with the captian from the other team, saying we cannot play today, we do not have enough players
basicly they gave us a free win, all good il take it, i send the convo and the screenshot to the admin
he says "OK YOU WON" so we end up mixing 3on3's for the whole day, end up looking on gtv we apperently lost because we did not show up on time, i mean what the fuck.
so i go back to #cb.et [fag=PL]Homer there we start talking
immediatly i notice the guy is fucked in the head and does not understand that we have ben given the forfeit win way before he removed us from the CB-NC because of the no show, i show him all the screenshot the logs
he replies, "u was not on the server, u lost" so i end up saying some nice things about his mother, his friends and family and so on. 6months later NC 6on6 starts, we are hyped, homer logs in to CB and bans me for 2months during CB NC so our team has to play with a standin. like what the fuck. such a fucking cunt.
I've actually read this all.

Homer replied aswell btw, heres your chance to say nice things about his sister, dog and father.
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