global configs update

clickbait title ikr

but! why are the configs limited to 125fps in 2k16 anway?

yes long long time ago, somewhere on cf somebrainiac decided to lock the fps to a max of 125 on official competitive configs " ppl can abuse 333fps and 1k fps to get unhit. "

cut with the crap, raise the rate snaps maxpackets and lock the fps to 289
not that will fix anything at all except making the gameplay smoother

Quotelock the fps to 289

Could be abused though, since using 250 fps with 125 mouse hz remove weapon spread caused by mouse movement.
im mainly talking about this because i cannot get my et to run smooth, my desktop is on fullhd @ 144hz
but ingame its 60, even with cl_125hz and r_displayrefresh 144 its so stuttery(stuttery is not a word) dont know why i cant get 144hz or even 125 in et. if i play with my fps above 200 the game is Almost smooth :DDD

so annoying and most of the time while im in a fight the enemy/target(s) keep dissapearing, soo much tearing its really annoying

game gets smooth again when i alt+enter i guess its because my desktop refreshrate overrides the ingame refreshrate, but playing windowed is really not an option, who would want to play like that.

weaponspread while moving ur mouse, does it even matter? i mean how manny times have u crouched and shot a clueless enemy in the head, hearing no hitsounsd u keep shooting, u notice ur crosshair is in the middle of his head still u do not hear any hitsounds, lu lover ur aim so the spread is on point and hits his body still no hitsounds, last bullet in the chamber u reset the spread/recoil one tap the guy in the head and u hear a body shot, he notices u turns around and instant tripples you.
i figured out this is mostly the case when playing against cheaters with wh
in my time i used to play ALOT of 1v1 with cheaters, even asked them to turn their aimbots on higher, after a whle the guy turns on his WH because he cannot kill me with his aimbot alone he needs another advantage, at that point, his hitboxes dissapear, well not completley but its enough to make u waste 30bullets for 7hits, again he ends up 180spin_rekting-ur_head
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