Big streamer playing ET

So lirik, a well known big streamer on just said hes gonna play some Wolfenstein:ET later.

ET REVIVE??? PogChamp
image: thinking-faceimage: thinking-faceimage: thinking-face

e: he went from h1z1 to arma3 and will play the division later. he said nothing about ET
Alright boys and girls, this is where we have all been playing for the last 10 years. Let's meet at ts in 20 minutes. We will stream snipe like never seen before. Going to show them some serious spawn killing and get famous in real life.

I know lirik from H1Z1, he's a quite known streamer. Would be really cool of he would play some ET and promote this website and tournaments ^^
Keep dreaming
lirik is known being an ex et player, he also streamed dirty bomb just cuz it came from the devs from et, but ye it didnt help db tho :D
m8, even if there was a 1on1 going on vs clinton and trump wouldnt help et ^^

big if true
never heard
ex et player indeed
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