rip world as we know it

trump is wining...
image: 7ohL8EV

Was nice knowing you guys.
About damn time
Make America great again
Luckily I am so old that I remember when Obama won. He ended wars & recession, fking Trump ruined everything now.
ended wars ?? - please - what about syria ? lybia ?
i have a feeling that Thomm is sarcastic
Sarcasm overload.
cant be worse than Hitlery and her War addicted mind..
So trump won't start a war?
Why would Trump start a war any more than any other candidate would? retard lol.
Why do you think he isn't? He ran on a platform of military spending.
the only War which "Trump" will start is the Racial bullshit War, black against white, white against black, Hispanics against black, Hispanics against asians.

Its already cooking up..

And yes, i prefer a Person who hasn't started Wars and created Organizations like ISIS and is not funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar..

And Trump can't make America great again since America was never great
Quotecreated Organizations like ISIS...funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar

You need to stop drinking the kool-aid. There are actual reasons to not want her in office that are based on reality. Learn to form your own opinions, not take whatever you read on the internet as fact. This kind of ignorant ass shit got him election in the first place. Talk about a false equivalency.... "but... but.. emails!".
haha love this comment
I am surprised the stock markets react so relatively calm.. Trump won't be that much worse than Clinton. Remember Benghazi
Poetin, Erdogan, Xi Jinping, Orban, Duterte and now Trump

World is fucked try to enjoy it as much as you can ...
Time to put up another wall.
KRP endorses.
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