
Anyone still rtcwing? :ooo
lejga :D
i played singleplayer a week or two ago
Js tudi, pa se mi je malo mpja zaluštalo :D
h2o is X:DXD
yes some of us still are nerding this game :>
the only active server is the ecg network shrub server from 6pm to 12pm (london time)
i was used to play more ore less regular there, but as european the ping isnt that what you wish. now only dirtybomb!!
It's not the only active server, [[[Mad.4.wolF]]] is also active most evenings :)
That is ONLY when you talk about 1.4. There are like 5 active servers on 1.0 version with players pretty much anytime :)
Of course RtCW is still around, it's only 15 years later after the fact... Hahaha, honestly though for a game with this many years and it's still around you have to give it some credit where it's due.

I'd like to see other games still being played casually/competitively 15 years from there release dates, you just don't see that often anymore. Look at COD for an example, who here still plays modern warfare or world at wars or cod 4?(imo the best cods) I'd say none of you do, and if you do, I'm sure it's not like it was during release date where rtcw still feels like it was 15 years ago just a lot less populated.

RtCW has had moments of inactivity, but for some reason it always sparks people attention and people come back. As of lately, RtCW for the N/A side has actually got quite popular on the version 1.4, which if you look back in the last 15 years for RtCW you'd notice that it's an 'off/on' kind of game.

Warwitch and Sabo, two top casters from back in quakecon 2002 made an appearance in 2012-13ish which made huge names and clans come back, many of which you still see play ET(clown, crmbs, night, merlinator etc) . If this would have continued, you'd see big RtCW tournaments right now, but with twitch and new games every day being released Warwitch decided to go about his own way and start his own twitch gaming channel, and let RtCW dwell into a bottomless pit.

Rtcw still around? yes
Rtcw still being played competitively? yes/no
Rtcw activity? Not high, but not low.
Rtcw versions still played? 1.0 and 1.4(1.0 is mainly custom modes and death match, 1.4 is mainly shru/osp/banimod)
Rtcw free or not? It's free to download and has an easy setup so you can jump in game

If you got other questions just pm or leave it here. Hopefully this helps anyone interested in trying the best fps game to ever exist.
No more questions :D

it took you some effort to write all that stuff :)
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