Meanwhile, in Australia...

bit old now but just made it to YT over the last few days...

Just a standard day in Australia. Also, meanwhile in Northern Territory, Australia...

image: 2016%2F11%2F07%2Fea%2Fa4a9fa62ac4447b2a3a635924cc3d25f.3566e
- This was used in an actual NT marketing campaign xD.
Yeaa that kangeroo action was funny. Lucky he didn't got beaten up after his first punch
or eaten alive
but trust me he wouldnt go close if he didnt have his gun with him ^^
e: think thats a knife, that dude is crazy
Definitely balls of steel, didn't notice the knife when I watched it. Still very brave
thank you for sharing that. made my day :D
readin the reddit thread made me realise that kangaroos are fucking assholes
Just thug life
same here, jacked piece of shit drowning poor doges
This went viral btw, the guy is getting pursuits from the Protecting animals thingy! All he did was to save his dog, I'd try to kill the kangaroo if he wanted to struggle my dog to death
I've seen kangaroos drown dogs in rivers and dams, they are cold blooded (and smart).
dumb doggo ran back for seconds
basic kangaroo gaming
headshots all the way
Ozzy Man Reviews is the best thing to come out of Australia, since kad.
A friendly kangaroo hugs a dog then getting punched for sharing love, that's what it is about.
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