Waiting for Ultraviolet - Volume III

Waiting for Ultraviolet - Volume III

sup -Max- the movie is almost done ?

I happened to watch Volume I and II yesterday. Absolute sensational videos. I hope he will ever find some time to finish Volume III. The last thing I heard about his situation was that the audience wasn't big enough to make the third chapter. This was a couple of months ago. Not sure if it was true what I heard.
Damn I actually completely forgot about that.
Now you got me all excited again lol.

Maybe a christmas/new year gift?
Max mentioned it isn't worth the work for him because of the small audience it gets.

Eventho Volume 1 has 50k on Youtube I think
50K views for a fragmovie about ET is pretty strong !
The most is 51k on Requiem I think, and it seems the account with the 50k on Principum was taken down, which is shame. The original post by -max- on his channel has like 5k

This one got 175 410 views !

And yea the views from his official youtube chanel (Ultraviolet) is pretty lower.
Volume I has 5.5k views. Volume II has just over 6k.

There never was an account with Principium at 50k.
I came across it on some subreddit, but have no idea which one, even bookmarked it because as I said it had 50k+ views, but it seems the channel is completely deleted now.

Anyway, Requiem is still rocking 175k, that's quite insane for a fragmovie :)
Yeah I've posted both volumes on Reddit. I honestly think you might be mistaken though. ET movies don't get that sort of viewership these days. It's great that the Requiem vid has that many, but that's taken almost 7 years, haha.

Anyway, I've never come across any rehosted versions of the Ultraviolet Volumes. If there was a version of Principium at 50k views, I think I would have known about it.
I showed the Volume 2 at my work from TV and all they said what is this shit ugly graphic game :D gg.
Still waiting for LAN movie
real nerds waiting ET related stuff still 2k16 =DDDDDDDDDD
I really can't imagine that it will ever come. I edited one scene before Volume I came out, but haven't done anything since then. I'm way to busy with my career at the minute, and the audience is indeed so small that all of the effort isn't worth it so much as so few people will see it.

Other issues would be, I don't think the content would be as good, and I don't think I could do better than Volume II.

Sorry! :(
Are you missing proper content from back in the days or was Volume III meant to be focused more on the recent years?
It was intended to be most recent years.
Np u can take that material off my stream, problem solved ExDee
I'd be more than happy to help you retrieving footage from a certain period. Would this possibly help you by any means?
Thanks, but no. As I've said - too busy with career now, and there's really not an audience for it like there used to be.
I am sure with some good promotion we are still able to reach the brought audience you wish for. However, as you stated, you have different priorities at this point in your life. Feel free to get in touch with me if you ever change your mind. Always appreciated the work from Ultraviolet really much.
Sisi Marseille hostill jpense que tu peux attendre encore longtemps. Peut être il sortira sa movie quand l'autre ricain nous achetera des vrais joueurs :{D!
Ouais bah concernant la movie c'est mort ! Mercato estival on aura des joueurs enfin j’espère
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