
Hey guys, I see crossfire still hasn't died :D. I just wanted to see what you are all up to and say my hi's. I see a lot of people have moved to Overwatch?

Since I'm here, I'm also in need of a pc so I figured maybe you can gimme some suggestions.

Need it for gaming, budget is around 1100 with every peripheral included. Plus I'm new to the Netherlands so I know fuck all about where nerds buy their computer stuff so please rec me some stores. I'm in Arnhem if that makes any difference.

Anyway, I was thinking about something like this (store is afuture.nl)

image: nE0BBr3

Great to see 140 users online on a Saturday night, never change bros :D
Honestly I don't believe there are 140 users online.
it's mostly "guests" / bots
#follow.et always idling on cf from teh cklub
Sup Jimmmmmmmmy. I was expecting this to be the album of the year post then :(

My last PC I bought was about 1100€ but didn't have monitor etc, GTX 970, i5 6600k but also the same hdd, 16GB ddr4 and stuff. Also no idea where Dutchies get their stuff :c
Also, if you start playing OW can join me and Thomm and a few others in it :>
Got exactly the same parts! Lets be friends?
Azerty.nl and try to get 16GB RAM
got my pc for 450 or smth and it works just fine.
enjoy overwatch and Arnhem!
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