Life changing information

Hi guys,

After seeing that crossfire can still make some memes in 2017, I just want to inform you about a very crucial information. After receiving hundreds of pm in which people ask me if Marseille LeFrancis wears a watch I want to make it clear to you guys.

I don't wear a watch and I don't plan to wear any.

The reason behind this way of life is simple. I never need to be on time, I am the one who sets the time.

image: maxresdefault

Important survey about this question:

I'll see you guys later for some more valuable journalistic content.

Timely yours,
Marseille LeFrancis - A man who doesnt wear a watch

Its journal time
Im amazed by your F5 skills m8 even more in 2017
However, you haven't voted!!!
the times are changing
quality content since 90s
It changed my life
Quand on peut aider sisi
watches are overrated imo
Only over-connected (and thus boring) people use their phone to check the time, real men wear watches
ftg :D et bonne année !
Mon pauvre ami, une nouvelle fois de la vulgarité gratuite. Tu es vraiment le roi des abrutis :)
Venant de toi c'est marrant, tu fais la même chose sur GamesTV
Tell the teachers :s
Faible petit bonhomme que tu es
Agreed, real pros keep track of time so thers no need to watch a watch
One of your worst journals Francis, I expected better of you
You have short memory brother
Random comment picked in one of my journals
loazisREPLY 5 Jul 2011, 14:19
You have the honor of being the only person on Crossfire that is so fucking pathetic and stupid that you're on my ignore list and for some fucking reason I am still confronted with your unfunny bullshit every single day. Fuck you.
loazis legend <3
Your Crossfire Watch isn't over yet.
logged in to teach you guys, that real men wear a pocket watch
I can agree with this, I had a friend with that shit... looks classy as fuck
what kind of mary sue are you jesus christ

had to laugh for a sec.
but in what time
Just wanted to say I was one of the persons who asked if LeFrancis wear a watch.
Hope you got your answer now brother
but the real question is:
do you still wear your image: foyql2YMUrk57DeVnFIVka-30?
only during intense gaming sessions
so he'd rather watches overwatch over watches
some horny olde dude with plenty of lube
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