LeFrancis teaches you e-journaling

Hey bunch of nerds,

As I'm about leaving for teh cklub and I care about you guys who only get tanned with their computer screen's light, I am writting a very advanced guide for providing top quality journals and maybe revive this amazing website.

QuoteAs you can see, you need to start your journal by greeting your reader. However, its crossFIRE not crossFAG or idk what so you need to be offensive starting from the beginning so people know what you're up to. Of course, if you write a journal on a party day aka "thurs/fri/satur-day" you must let them know that you have a very valuable social life even if it's a lie who cares noone will check.

QuoteAs we know eachother for a couple of years now I'm going to tell you a little secret. If you want people to be annoyed by you but still keep reading your journal and growing anger word after word. You have to be innovative and put all your effort into triggering people. But now you wonder how? Yes I can read in your mind motherfucker. It's next step.

QuoteSo basically, you want to talk shit and write whatever comes to your mind. At this point, some low IQ readers may close your journal BUT if you have good formatting with lots of underlined or italic or bold text it keeps your eyes stuck on the journal. Of course, thats not enough. You need to trashtalk some people that are loved by the community or some guys who never asked for anything


* Make fake quotes just so people write in comments "I never said that omg ure such a liar blablabla" SHUT THE FUCK UP
Quote by Snatixxx I tried to put a tennis ball in my anus. Best thing is: I succeeded

FranceSnatix has always been my favorite guy to make fun of since he never asked for anything but it's crossFIRE. Now it's your turn to find someone.

*You want people to read your amount of bullshit but you need very high APM and know every fucking shortcut to write fast and make people waste their time so they grow more anger and anger = win = quality comments that you can laugh your ass off when you see the madness in comments.
A couple of little tricks for your APM, thank me later:
https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english (if youre below 100 you suck)
Use ctrl+shift+arrows to select text, ctrl+b for bold +i for italic +u for underlined. Same shit as M. Word works also on CF.

QuoteDirectly speak to the one reading your journal as I'm doing right now if I want to make you say "lol i have a small penis" I can since you read what I'm writing. Spam retarded smiley faces such as x:X//D:dx:/D/d:d or my favorite one :{D when you make a joke. It increases your retardism lvl by 9000 and make people mad at you even more

QuoteCongratulations, you made a top quality journal in a small amount of time. Grab a cup of coffee scratch your balls and spam F5 to quickly reply to the first guy who couldn't hold his anger anymore and told you "LUL tl;dr" "omg kill urself" and so on.

Protip: Now crossfire is nooby-friendly and you can save your journal for later or not to lose everything when you accidently close the window or smth. The old way ctrl+a / ctrl+c also works to save your holy journal.

As many people tend to forget, this is the internet and you just do it for teh lulz. You must be a fucking tard to be mad at someone through the internet. So you forget that it's crossFIRE for a moment and gift your readers with some shoutouts, fapping content etc etc

image: Hot%2Band%2BSexy%2BFootball%2BWallpaper%2B-%2BImage%2B7

Shoutout to #follow.et and kernwaffe TS guys

QuoteAt last, sign your masterpiece always the same way so people can remember how great your e-journalistic skills are

Journalistically yours,
MarseilleLeFrancis - A crossfire e-journalist

not even 1minute after posting it you must have a nice life niSm8
he reads fast like sonic
10/10 would e-journal again! YOU MAD, BRO?
free nismo
now for real who read this? with all my respect to colonel francis
It seems like lately you are forcing your journals too much colonel. I don't see your passion anymore. [*]
its 2017 i try my best to keep cf alive
noone wants to flame nowadays makes me sad D}':
Told you that any quotes of me posted got copyrights on it.
You owe me big money now
Posting so that hostil (aka your biggest fanboy imo because psy 4 de la rime) gets the opportunity to insult me
mange ta fricadelle fieu
Les pyramides
Bad things: No music (yours would be bad anyway, so I guess it was a good thing that you don't have it here), no funny picture (yours would be bad since your humor is bad), girl was a generic attentionwhore (just like you), not enough country-flags

Good things: Formatting was nice, some protips there

I rate it 1/5, back to school you go.
Dear FinlandThomm,

MarseilleI Germanywould Argentinalike United Kingdomto Polandthank Portugalyou Spainfor Czech Republicyour Francevery Russiaelaborate United States of Americaresponse Columbiato Netherlands, The Antillesmy Europejournal.

didnt read lol
is there anyone who finds this clown funny?
my mother always told me i'm a very humoristic person and my mother never lies #staymad
She didnt lie, she was only wrong.
if you're mad you better get face and muscles m8
i think face muscles would be more f i t
Azor get him
i tihnk this is not supposed to be funny.
it's a very informative and helpful tutorial.
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