Optimizing ET for Windows 10


I installed ET to play some pub and have some problems. I am using a laptop which should be more than sufficient to have 125 fps in this game but even with a low gfx cfg I have such an unstable fps(70-125). I am guessing it has something to do with Windows 10 but I'm not sure. Does anyone have some experience with Windows 10 and ET? Any help would be appreciated.

Also I keep getting kicked from those Hirntot servers for "unknown reason".. sup with that homies?

Best regards,

PS! Walle is amazing
r_primitives 2
threaded optimization off in your graphic card settings noob
thanks! that worked. now I only need to get my mouse to react like it should
get aim noob
turn off Win10 apps

You installed ET to play some pub and have some problems. You are using a laptop which should be more than sufficient to have 125 fps in this game but even with a low gfx cfg you have such an unstable fps(70-125). You are guessing it has something to do with Windows 10 but you are not sure. Does anyone have some experience with Windows 10 and ET? Any help would be appreciated.

Also you keep getting kicked from those Hirntot servers for "unknown reason".. sup with that homies?

Best regards,


PS! Aquila is amazing
you are not funny, just leave please
hähä u sound maD
had the same, think it was r_primitives 2 that worked for me =)

sup friend :)
threaded optimization did the trick markom8 :===)
I installed ET to play some pub

FinlandWalle is indeed amazing
ask webe he can help you. :> right wut?
i have the same problem....seriously thinking about going back to windows 7 ... tried PBPrior, multiple commands in config, etc.. it is slightly better but these fps lags are killing me.
turning threaded optimization off for ET in my NVIDIA control panel worked for me!
i have ATI Radeon 4800 HD. not nvidia : <
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