Laser Tag

hello CF,

i was wondering if anybody here plays laser tag? i have been playing laser tag for almost 2 years now and my dream is to become the next laser tag world has to practice a lot though since the competition is - skillwise - really strong.

here is a video of the laser tag 1v1 world championships 2012. just look at those sick moves!! they are unhuman

audience seems outta control after seeing those moves
looks pretty intense
Accuracy? Headshot ratio? Damage given?
weirdest shit i ever saw
wait what?
Oh look it's bAnga and seareal.
looks very professional to me
Ob du behindert bist?

Bin wohl zu adipös dafür :(
wtf :D are they gettin paralyzed every few seconds? ;o
nerding level master
Such a joke
wat is dis I dun even,
next level nerds detected
what the hell is that shit
Sounds like something Igla would love but would still suck at it
papi so mean
*turns off computer*
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