ET is aliiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!

...and we are very happy to announce to you that KW mixes are back!

But since it's technically no longer happening on kernwaffe and to pay homage to the man who is making it all possible (who is still banned on crossfire btw #freebanga), from now on they will be known as:

Banga's gangbang bonanza!!!

Bigger, better and with more friction than ever before!

So be sure to pack your lube and an XL package of condoms (talking about quantity only, trust me when I say that regular size will do just fine...) and prepare to get rekt in more ways than you ever could have dreamed of... :D

Connect to ts3 around 21-22h CET.

Cu there!
PINDOL team avi
Yes more than enough pindols to go around.
Journal approved.
Comment approved! :D
Reply approved.
Approval approved. ;)
Good that you're approving things so easy as I've got some plans towards you.
Fuck off
Buy me dinner first...
No players with VAC ban please... :D
What is dead may never die...
wtf, lady xD
QuoteBut since it's technically no longer happening on kernwaffe

What happened foxy?
Nothing... Kernwaffe is kinda dead, so not sure how much longer those servers will be up. And some die hards kept meeting on Roth's/Banga's ts. So that's where everybody hangs out now.

Are you thinking about making a comeback? o:)
See you tonight my little friend?
I see, hmm. When I first joined KW I never expected it to go down so quick like that. You people had a lot of people together. Maybe the pro-play destroyed it, I feel sorry and bad for that. The game is just too dead to do something about it. But as long as the rest, who is left, can stick together on portuguese_style's server, then all is fine. I wish all of you good times.

Nah, I am not coming back. Just checking from time to time what is going around. I still see that you have no shame in flirting with people, so I guess nothing changed much :P. Anyway, hope your babie is healthy and wish you good ET nights (is your PC still freezing btw.?)
Don't think the etpro players had much to do with it, the people who used to play a lot of the internal 6on6s still go on that banga's ts (apart from people like desi, which is a shame but guess he was on TS only when you & neme were on anyway, since you two disappeared for months no one really saw him I guess) and the thing is that the NoQuarter server died as far as I'm aware, I mean it's still on, but there is almost no one playing, ever
Yeah you're right Bobika, KW dying had nothing to do with etpro players.

Desi is still alive too btw, will tell him to come visit us at times.
Hope that is true. I feel like I kind of was the first stone starting the bricks come down. Anyway, say hello to Desi also.
Yup, still shameless as ever. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Glad to see you're still not judging. Guess people never change after all... :o)

My son is super healthy and happy, thanks for checking.
And yeah, my PC is still crashing, must be karma. :D

Too bad you won't consider coming back, but I'm happy to read you found other hobbies. And if you ever feel lonely, you know where to find us. ;)
Well I guess that Karma is my alter ego who is punishing you for being naughty :).
And I feel always lonely ;).
Awwww... *hug*
hey hoe you gonna be on tonight? sick as fuck but if you lot gonna play i can get out of the bed
I'm pretty much on every night, I have no life... :D
So as soon as I fuck off you come back? Fucking hell
Dude..! We have been on ts together again already twice!! Start keeping a diary... :D
Well I started drinking a lot, but this is bullshit you are making up :D
I support you if your new hobbies involves drugs! Found that also just recently, great hobby!
:D My little brother told me that you can get high/drunken from cough syrup. He told me something about Little Wayne or something and his drug addiction for cough syrup. So I may consider that as it sounds just awesome to be addicted to a cough syrup :D.

I have next week Korean 2 course and the next week after Spanish 3. :So, no, my recent hobbies don't involve drugs I suppose, unless I start picking up Spanish and try to become a Columbian drug mafia lord? -.-
El Tanbur sounds like a great name
Tanbuuuuuuuuur my buddy come to ts, stop being mad!

The issue was that kernwaffe was down like two or three times and people obviously couldn't connect and they used banga's ts as a replacement and kinda sticked with it afterwards, more and more people :p
I miss your slaughters Bobika, like when you 1v3 people and still win those fights.
And MadBur is not mad at all, I am doing fine. Trying to spend more time with my other hobbies. I just feel the ET period is over for me, I don't want to get nostalgic all over again. I am a difficult person to deal with, so everything is better like this. Wish you the best (hopefully you attend lan so I can watch you on Twitch).

Greet everybody from me (but not Banga please, I don't like Kurds. ;))
Did ET start giving you ideas when you enjoyed blowing people up? Only plausible explanation why you quit! I used to stop playing around December, played maybe 4-5times before there was something concrete with the lan and then played a few times with toNyy as he wanted me to go with him and I'd probably go, but the lan is like 19-21st of May or smth and my graduation week starts on 22nd so that's really a complete NO GO for me so I can't attend sadly..
Well some of us must sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Nothing better than blowing up people :).

Noo, damn, very unlucky then. Well, hopefully our rifle god will attend with a team so we can watch some rifle play.
hello there
Hey Kimi.
I've seen in of the other threads that you joined a team for the lan. I wished you good luck but I guess you haven't seen it.
Anyway, good luck and will be watching you on Twich definitely (no pressure ;)). Hopefully all is good with you. Greet Roth from me if he also attends lan (guess he is looking for a team).

PS: I've spent some time learning JavaScript/JQuery. Do you think as next I should tackle Node.js or Ruby?
thx didnt see them
roth is pussy, so i have to meet him at portugal in summer

function whatToLearn(language) {
return (language=="ruby" || language=="python" || language=="node.js"); //nodejs not really language but w/e
So it is up to me then.

$(document).ready(function () {
"use strict";
var Kimi = ["good", "great", "awesome", "excellent", "nice"];
var Kimi_is;
Kimi_is = Kimi[Math.floor(Math.random() * Kimi.length)];
obsolete use of var and useless variable assignment separation.

var Kimi = ["good", "great", "awesome", "excellent", "nice"],
Kimi_is = Kimi[Math.floor(Math.random() * Kimi.length)];

but hell, nothing a proper js minifier won't fix.
JSlint is crying if you don't declare all variables. That was the reasoning behind, but yeah.
Hello Tanbur! Long time no see!

Portuguese style is here to wish you all the best, hope you are ok. I'm also good, not sure yet if i'm going to the lan but if I go there is just to spec and meet people. Having a new experience is always good.
I miss our deep conversations!

How is going your studies and your life?

P.S Kimi is inlove with me so is coming to Portugal at summer and maybe Nemesis aswell
Hey my friend.

Thank you and all is good with me. I hope you go to lan with a team, I know you wanted badly to visit some people and play also. I also miss our deep conversations :D, all the good old times on ts, even though sometimes the discussions got heated (mostly my fault I guess).

Great that you guys keep ET aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive.

PS: I always knew that you guys were made for each other. One homo alpha, one homo beta. When is the marriage? :D
Good to know! My priority is just to know the people, if I play or not not is just secundary.
I know you don't play anymore but you are always welcome to come to our TS, we can keep talking and stuff ( and does not really matter whose fault is it).

ET never dies my friend! : D

P.S: We are going to marry when he comes here, can't wait!
Oh Dj Tanbubur :D
No, ET is dead
Takes a corpse to know a corpse...
send nudes
Enough pindols for you on ts to give you a jaw cramp that will last you a lifetime, come and see..! :D
i dont like pindols iam normal =)
#PINDOL - _ -
QuoteET alive


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