KBG LAN Travel + Accommodation

Supski Amigos?

Who of you guys is coming to LAN? I decided that I want to come now that there is a LAN in Germany (and I just moved to Spain, wtf).
For everyone not coming by bicycle (hi dutchies), how do you get there?
I'll arrive Thursday afternoon at Dusseldorf Airport, anyone else arriving then?

Where are you guys going to stay? I have been looking into appartements and hotels and I am searching for someone to share a room with. I prefer hot blonde girls (Hi GermanyFelix) but I'll lower my standards for once and settle with someone as good looking as United KingdomPotty.

Also, if you are still searching for someone who hasn't played ET since 2012 and has no time to pracc but can drink, I'm your man.

Hit me up here or on Facebook. Cheers, XOXO.

Have to go back to my Spainslaves now.
just rent a flat / room for a few days ?
i will either arrive on thursday afternoon or friday afternoon (depends if there gona be a 3o3 spot for us :/)

Driving from coburg -> krefeld

Hotel? we r still deciding
Some guys of Elysium and 'xD Trickjump, will also arrive Thursday night. Happy to see you there!
Thursday morning TSB drinking in yermany.
I have to wait on queen Shaman with his late night arrival plane in Rotterdam
Driving from Netherlands Arnhem to Germany Krefeld. PM me if you need transport
Do not sleep inside a bar m8
most of us will arrive Thursday and get drunk so yeah
least dmg player buys drinks btw :P
hahaa :D after last few games its mental!!! ill do that deal :D you wait until I got a pc and table to sit at ha
Gonna be there from Thursday afternoon to Monday with the Berlin and Braunschweig ladies
there , hotel ibis
Will arrive Thursday evening and stay in IBIS budget. We might have space for 1 person if we can rebook a 1-bed room into a 2-bed room. If you are interested let me know
"LAN + accomodations" xD

What about BnB? Bears & Bitches????
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