Build me a PC

Hello friends of the good life,

I'd like to get myself a new gaming PC that I can use for the next 4-5 years. My current PC has had its best time, so it's time to say goodbye.

My budget is around €1000-1200.

If you have any suggestions for complete PC's or complete builds I'd be grateful!

I was also thinking about buying an MSI gaming laptop for €1.400 instead. But I think PC's is better?

image: 11177

image: pexels-photo-301326

T'as oublié les vis frère
That looks actually pretty good
I tried ordering it but they can't deliver it to the Netherlands and the Dutch Otto doesn't have it. GGWP
be happy, was not a good choice
ok i start

image: 976830_GB_00_FB.EPS_1000
thanks colonel
npm8 when i can help
solely used for gaming or did you want to use it for other things?
Yes I will watch some gay porn on it
So you're going to want Virtual Reality. What about monitor resolution, you wanna go up to 4K? O.O
Yes. Any suggestions?
If you're spending this much I'd 100% suggest you build rather than buying a pre-built.

I'd say get one of the new Ryzen CPUs from AMD, they're looking really good bang for the buck. The 1700 looks like it'll fit in your price bracket, and that leaves you enough to get a 1070 graphics card as well. I'll have a look and get back to you
i7 6700k, a mid pricy motherboard + a gtx 1070 / 980ti
image: dwTXFmR

If you want to seriously OC a Z270 board would be better (or switch K for non-K version of the processor). If you're looking for more threads/core AMD Ryzen could also be an option, but as of right now they are lackluster in gaming performance. Personally I would wait until AMD released VEGA, so prices on nvidia cards will drop even more. Also - if buying a core processor - intel is going to release a new processor line + socket in the second half of 2017.
I'd argue they aren't that lackluster in gaming performance. In games which focus on single-threaded performance then the intel is going to slightly outperform it sure, but not to a point thats noticeable imo. A lot of current games are taking advantages of more cores/threads making Ryzen a pretty good option for gaming right now.

The Ryzen 5 is being released next week as well, which could also be another option for you depending on how the benchmarks look. This in turn could also lower the price of the intel chips if you really want to go with Intel.
I 100% agree and also think that Ryzens have huge future potential with respect to optimization. But looking at the bare "gaming" numbers (as of now!) they are consistently worse than their intel counterparts at the same price.
The complete Ryzen lineup looks very promising and might be capable of seriously hurting intel (better price to value ratio, more cores = better sustainability) and I do hope that an optimized Ryzen is able to hugely improve gaming performance, especially of near-future AAA releases.

I'm considering to buy a gaming machine since the beginning of the year and ultimately, my biggest hope is that the new intel processors/sockets move towards the ryzen approach and that VEGA is mind-blowingly good so that it either puts a lot of pressure on the pricing of nvidia or it really becomes a viable option to consider (even though just thinking about radeon drivers makes me want to puke).
Yeah having just done some research, it still seems the single-core performance of the Ryzen cannot stand up to that of the Intel chips YET. I'm interested to see if AMD will work on the single core performance of the Ryzen, or see if the newer games start working with multiple cores.

As for you Timbo, w1Za brought up a good point about the VEGA cards coming soon. I'd wait until then, at the very least nvidia prices might drop so you should hopefully be able to pick up something good then.
For sure

And if you are going to pay so much money for a setup, why not invest in a WQHD screen at the same time? At higher resolutions there is no difference. And playing on WQHD or higher is a whole new experience. Don't forget the game engines are not optimized yet for Ryzen, just look on Ashes of Singularity performance increase after Ryzen optimization. It's a whole new platform, unlike most Intel generations of late that are all based on the same Core architecture, and the Core architecture is actually based again on the Pentium 3 and Pentium M Dothan.

Op tweakers elke maand een nieuwe best buy guide in verschillende prijsklasses... ;)
Yup, maar geen Ryzen (die komst pas in de mei BBG) dus de BBG is niet heel relevant meer, want het is om de maand.

Eventueel een gtx 1070 ipv rx 480 als je budget het toelaat.
Speakers mss ook niet nodig, maar deze build is voor iemand anders die het wel wilde.
En geen hdd erbij gezet, omdat deze meestal toch meegaat van de vorige build. (ssd kan dus ook eruit als je die ook meeneemt)

Het hangt voornamelijk van wat je er mee wilt gaan doen en op welke resolutie.
Anders kan een i7 wel interessant zijn, of een ryzen 1700.

Als je alleen gaat gamen, is i5 prima, er is geen i7 nodig voor alleen gaming. Alleen een aantal games zullen er iets beter door presteren maar kost wel weer veel meer.
Als je niet gaat overklokken heb je sowieso geen k-cpu nodig en niet perse een cpu koeler nodig, maar maakt de build wel stiller en toch wat koeler(/cooler).

PC > Laptop veruit in prijs/kwaliteit.
Laptop > PC alleen in meeneemgemak, als je veel bij anderen wilt gamen of naar LANs wilt, is dit handig natuurlijk. Maar je krijgt veel minder kwaliteit voor hetzelfde geld als waar je een pc van kan bouwen.

Gratis officiële windows 10 van microsoft zelf:

That power supply isn't great afaik, The old CXs were god awful, the newers ones aren't too bad but would suggest not skimping out on the PSU
It's still pretty decent I'd say, don't think it's skimping out by getting this one. But sure it's 'just' a bronze psu and semi-modulair. But it fits well into the budget I think.

Otherwise you can spend a bit more for gold and fully modulair and get this one for around 80:

Might be worth the upgrade.
The BitFenix is a much better option over the Corsair from what I've read, worth the upgrade in my eyes
This setup is pretty well balanced with good quality parts with good price/performance ratio.
The power supply listed is also good if you look at the Dutch review. The Bitfinex is high quality, but really worth it? I don't think so.

If you want to get an K edition and a Z270 motherboard for overclocking. I would also get faster memory

I would not invest in a i5 currently, because I think that AMD Ryzen set a new bar with the 8c/6c proccesor for mainstream. Eventually Intel will have to follow. If you can wait a little bit the AMD Ryzen 1600X will be released soon enough and you will have more cores and more future proof platform, Ryzen will get updates untill 2020. The Skylake/Kabylake socket surely not.

So my advice would be
AMD Ryzen 1600 219 ~230 euro according
Asus Prime B350 100 euro (or another B350 board)
Some memory(look on QVL of the motherboard)
All other parts from the setup above(but not cpu, memory, motherboard and cooler)

Another reason to choose this platform is the ability to overclock with any processor and the possibility to upgrade to a 8core/16T Ryzen 2/3 in the future.
Agreed that it's best to wait for what Ryzen is gonna show first, but couldn't fit that into a components list :P
This list is ultimately simply about 'I want to buy something today', but with Ryzen and Vega, it's well worth waiting just a bit longer indeed.
We Tweakers so hardware smart right.
Well, some of us ;D
Changed the build based on your suggestions, to see if you agree:

I'm keeping in mind you might want to upgrade the CPU and GPU later, as that would be all that's required if you eventually wanna go for 4k gaming or so.

Your thoughts?
Looks good. If saving money is required, get rid of the Mugen 5 and try stock cooler and get the CX450m.
For this build the 450w would be enough yes, but keeping in mind you might want to upgrade cpu/gpu, wouldn't have to buy a new one later on then.

I added the mugen 5 instead of stock/something cheaper because of possible overclocking, which should be easily possible.

(as the person i made the build for wants to upgrade cpu/gpu later on for 4k gaming and wants to overclock)
450W is enough for overclocking too (cpu,gpu and memory) and also if he wants to upgrade to Ryzen 2/3 8c. But the RM550x is a great PSU and there are not many 450W PSU's that are equal except the Bitfenix. The Mugen 5 is also fine.

I just meant the focus is on the gaming part, so most of the money should go into the graphics card. If you can get a higher-end graphics card by saving some money on other departments it should be done. Currently this difference between RX480 or something like the 1070 is too big though.

Yeah I totally agree, on a sidenote however, he now has a 1080 60hz screen and doesn't plan on upgrading to 1080p 144hz/1440p 60hz or 144hz, but immediately wants to go to 4k when he has the chance.
Hence i took the 480, since 1070 would be overkill, whilst also making sure the build is ready for a 4k compatible card.
Yea, that is fine, but just an example:

Currently I have the 4690K 4,5GHz and RX480 8GB on WQHD and it's working good. On WQHD there is no reason for me to upgrade yet, will wait for another 2 years :) I would never buy a graphics card that is 300+ because it's better to buy a new mid range card more often than to play a few years with high-end card.
Yeah a very nice well-rounded build as well, and for a different usercase than my build I guess.

But we're still not sure what Timbo specifically wants his build for (right?)
What is he gonna do with it and on which resolution, what he wants to do with it later on, etc.

Because a gtx 1070 might be too much for simply 1080p 60hz.

I'd fully go with your build too if the main purpose is gaming with a +- €1100 budget for 1080p 144hz / 1440p 60hz

edit: didn't see ur edit yet. I have the same cpu (e: oh oops i have the 4790k), but with a gtx 970 on a 1080p 144hz screen, don't see a reason to upgrade any time soon either for that. Think I'll just go all out in a few years for the ultimate 4k 144hz gaming! :P
Like I said in another comment, if you are going to invest this kind of money in a PC you should also buy a screen with WQHD with higher Hz preferably. I really can't understand that people are still playing on 1080p. The screen is such a big part of the experience.

So yes I agree with the 1080p GTX1070 part.
For me personally: I bought the 1080p 144hz screen like a bit before I knew about the 1070/1080 and their capabilities. Didn't want to spend that kind of money again on a screen so soon, as I wouldn't have any use for this screen anymore then.
Guess I could continue to use this monitor as 2nd screen then, but I feel like it would be a waste of the money I spent on it and I just never saw the point of that
Plus, I kinda do like 144hz a lot more than 60hz now that I'm used to it ;p

I'd rather wait a bit more, as I'm currently fine with what I've got, and go all out on a new (or upgraded) build for 4k gaming, preferably 144hz hehe..
144hz > 4k for me. Though with a 1070 you should be able to run a 1440p @ 144hz for some games.

Do you know if the Ryzen/VEGA will have better performance running together or will it be the same as mixing intel/amd/nvidia?
Same here, I prefer 144hz.
I'd rather have 1440p 144hz than 4k 60hz.

Hence I am waiting for 144hz 4k screens and graphic cards that can run it :P There are rumors about nvidia's next cards which will outperform this generation by A LOT, but yeah.. rumors..

Don't think the 1070 can run everything 144hz on 1440p steadily either, or maybe at lower settings? Guessing you'd want a 1080 for that, but I'm not too sure.

For Ryzen+Vega, I guess we'll have to wait and see to be honest. No point in speculating about that yet. Personally I'd love it if AMD could really compete with nvidia's high end cards, as their DX12 / Vulkan support should be much better too.

Either way it's worth waiting for Vega, if only to hopefully lower the costs of nvidia's cards.
I suppose if you're not taking the K series CPU you're not going to be overclocking anyway, so yeah the Corsair is probably OK. But I'd rather be safe than sorry and pay a little extra for a solid PSU, as a bad power supply could roast the rest of your system if it went wrong.
It is is pretty solid with 5 year warranty. It's basically the same platform like the old Corsair RM series. Much better than the old CX series. RM550x or Bitfenix, or EVGA G2 and Super Flower Leadex are better though.
Ah I didn't know the new ones were like the old RM series. I know the old CX series were absolutely horrible and were to be avoided, but these newer ones sound ok

p.s you still low
i can share you mine for 10 € so you have some budget left and you know what you'll get:

windows 7 2009
2 Ghz process
80 GB HD
60 hz monitor 24"

i7 6700k
gtx 1080
z170 motherboard

you'll get a long way with this. basically what I have besides the 1080 (got 980) atm.

zowie x benQ 144hz if you have budget left..

cpu cooler, powersupply, casings are own preferences and not that expensive!
No reason to get skylake if you can get kabylake.
GTX 1080 is not possible with his budget.
there is a new one already? ive build mine with specs above and gtx980 under 1000,-
would do kabylake rather yea and also 1080 might not be possible, 980 is suitable for every game im playing so far.. dont know bout the 1060/70
needs about ~1400 w/ 1080 and i7 (6700k is only 30€ cheaper than the 7700k as of now, so kabylake >>>*).
Yea new one already, but it's a refresh so nothing major. GTX 980 still fine if you have one, but 1070 is better buy if you want something new.
advise strongly against a gaming laptop. I have one and it just doesnt cut the mustard.
Procesor: Intel Core i5-7500 /3.4GHz, 6MB, BOX, LGA1151
Cooler: --- up to you
MSI B250M PRO-VD /intel B250, LGA1151/
Corsair 16GB (2x8GB) 2400MHz CL14 Vengeance LPX
HDD: Seagate BarraCuda 1TB 7200rpm 64MB cache SATA
SSD: Samsung/Crucial 128GB
Palit GeForce GTX1070 JetStream 8GB DDR5 256bit (1683/8000)
SilentiumPC Gladius M35 Pure Black
Corsair CX450M 450W or 550W
Microsoft Windows 10 Home BOX 32/64Bit PL USB

or go to Insane way and build Skylake
i7 6700k
Z170 MB
Why not buy haswell than instead of skylake? He can re-use his old DDR3 than :D That does not make sense either.
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image: ppc-1207-f

Best PC in Poland currently, interested? Even WuT streams on it from time to timeimage: 3
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