Upgrade PC, advices.


I got my new BenQ / Zowie XL2540 240hz monitor now & and its really good!

But its time to upgrade my PC I only need CPU, Motherboard and RAM., Why? Cuz need more FPS for Quake Champions and my setup is old as fu ck.
Today im sitting on:
i7 920
Asus pb6 deluxe
12gb ram 800mhz
Nvidia 970GTX strix
Corsair 620w

I have been looking for this:

Intel Core i7-7700 Kaby Lake-processor
ASUS ROG Strix Z270H Gaming, Socket-1151
Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3000 MHz 16 GB

Should i buy something else? Its only for gaming :)
Why did you choose such an expensive motherboard? Are you going to overclock? What PSU are you going to use(you should not use that old one) If you are not overclocking buy motherboard with B250 chipset.
I see, I dont think i will overclock, since I dont even do that today with my old setup.

My PSU are Corsair HX620 modular https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139002

What about i7-7700K / i5-7600K, is the money worth i7 7700k?
Unless you're overclocking go get the i7 7700 non k version, and yes, it is worth it! You can get pretty much any H270 / Q270 motherboard, unless you're planning to OC, so I suggest you to look for a cheaper one and read onboard sound reviews, unless you've got a sound card. Also select what you are going to need, such as integrated wlan or whatever. 2400Mhz RAM should do just fine, instead of investing in a higher clock I would suggest you to look for ram with short latencies.
clocks arent that important anymore
the more mhz you can spend on, the better
B250 is also fine. Sometimes higher speed ram makes a difference, also resale price will be higher. 3000MHz is fine.
Its like 10euro difference from K version to non K. So think i will go for K anyway! but thx man!
Not bad choice, since resale value will be higher with K edtions.
Buy new PSU something like Bitfenix Whisper Series 450W, EVG G2/G3, Super flower leadex, Cooler master V series, Corsair RMx550W. Seasonic is also good but don't buy an old design like the m series.

If it needs to be cheaper buy Corsair CX450M or Corsair Vengeance 550M also good. Look reviews.
Why should he not use that PSU? It's already overkill for what he's running ATM.
Simply because it's an old design without dc-dc, so not suitable for haswell c6/c7 states. Another reason is that PSU was high-end 10 years ago, much had changed in PSU land since that time. Something like the Corsair CX450M or Corsair Vengeance 550M(all Japanese caps) are better options, and not expensive.
alright thx!!!
I've got 1 spare quake key, if somebody needs /q me
AMD ryzen man!
I would buy Ryzen too, but at 1080p gaming kaby lake i7 is just better most of the time currently.
nah, I dont want AMD
Looks like you don't swap your items that often..... if so, ill recomend you a Ryzen 1800X instead of the 7700K, the intel is the FPS king, but just by a few from Ryzen R7.... also 8c 12t, vs 4c 8t.... just because a better IPC? ill stick with Ryzen.

So i recomend you:

CPU Ryzen R7 1800X
MOBO : ASUS ROG Crosshair VI Hero
RAM : DDR4 3200MHZ or higher, is your call....
GPU: Go for a GTX 1080 ti if you can... or a GTX 1070/1080, or a Crossfire of AMD RX 480 "The crossfire scale really well in 2K and 4K"
PSU: Any W850 Gold +80 EVGA Corsair Coolermaster, is your call...

so there you have it, a nice Gaming machine and also you can stream full HD 1080p, also with such machine you can develop your own cheats.
Didn't expect the ending xddd
Ryzen can't do higher than 3200MHz ram with current multipliers, unless you mess with the bus speed. But you don't want that because then you lose XFR
I hit'd 4.2Ghz with a R7 1700, and @ TridentZ 3600 Mhz in RAM, i fuckin destroyed Cinebench.

I dont like amd anymore :D so i go for intel!
In that case go for the Core I7 7700K, dont limit yourself with a non K bullshit, also for the 7700 / 7700K a WaterCooling is a must, otherwise you will have to delid them.
Watercooling works best with delid, else it's pretty much wasted. Best option is to put waterblock directly on the die (so no relid)
delid + Coollaboratory Liquid Pro, and you done, no need to the take off the heat sink.
I have waterblock on core, without lid. Tricky to put on, but makes few degrees difference. What is your loop?
I want to build a Custom water loop now, i ordered everything from China, still w8ing tho.... still no rush, i bought a R7 1800X, still w8ing for the MOBO and RAMS, my current Rig is a FX 8350 @ 5Ghz + Crossfire of RX 480, they were cheaper than the 1080 when i got them, now i plan to sell everything and use a Single GPU, i'm using a 280mm H110 as Cooling solution.
Did you buy Byski Barrow stuff?
Cba with fix a watercooling :/
nigga is just Plug and use, any corsair o thermaltake 240/380, unless your goin for a Custom Loop.
I'm also switching my gear for Quake Champions, talking about monitor - I still have an ancient shit from ET times :D
Samsung 22" Syncmaster, old as fucking fuck, but still allows me to pwn noobz 50-6 already.
Is this 240 hz monitor that good? I mean is difference that big it's worth its price? I was thinking about such or maybe just ultrahd 29"
Cu on the server ;)
Well i would not say its worth to switch from 144hz to 240hz...

But I did that, and yeah well 240hz is much smoother. And xl2540 is better than my old xl2411z 144hz overall aswell.
atm I'm playing at 60hz :D so I guess 144hz would be huge difference for me and 240 would feel kind of unnatural :P
+ comparing the prices - xl2411z costs ~290e here in PL, while xl2540 is around ~510e, so that's 220 euros of difference.
But damn, I thought it would be bigger - I was thinking about 27" or even 29" size, while i.e. xl2411z is only 24", I wanted bigger change in this matter
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