A Humble Plea

Dear Crossfire,

As you all know, teamoxid is hosting an ET LAN event which will take place this May. I mean, how could you not know, right? It's pretty much all over the news section, not to mention the dozens of posts looking for teams, players, and practice. Even someone who only checks CF every once in a while must be aware of it.

Anyway, it has come to my attention that certain members of the community would like to participate but unfortunately cannot afford the extra €15 required for the post-deadline entrance fee. Now you may be thinking, "Really? Fifteen euros? I make more than that in an hour at my job!" But sadly that isn't true of everyone. Some people do not consider spending fifteen euros for the opportunity to win a couple hundred euros to be worth it.

So, I've decided to step up and help the less fortunate. I am creating a charity organization called the Rapid Online Support Squad, or ROSS for short. We will be operating solely on donations, starting with my own which you will find below.

I'm donating $1500 to the ROSS fund to get things rolling, and hopefully others will follow my lead. Now sadly I have some expenses next month for a special occasion, so I'm forced to make a few deductions...

- Flight ticket: $906.56
- Hotel room: $216.98
- Taxi: $102.46
- Food & drink: ~$100
- Misc. expenses: ~$150

This leaves me with $24 or about €22. Now it isn't much, but it is enough to cover one person's extra entrance fee money - plus almost half of another! I'm hoping you guys will follow in my footsteps here and help out those in need by donating to ROSS.

Thanks for reading,

Jon "ohurcool" T.

will donate €10
What about the housecouch you are saving for?
So far best journal in 2k17
I believed you until "- Food & drink: ~$100"
who spends only 100 dollas for bears xDDDDDDDDDD
Mormons are not allowed to drink.
sorrym8, hope i didnt offense him :s

e: going to take a morning shit, i thought i'd let you know about it
journal 2k17
Yeah we have alot of members from less fortunate countries, students or people on less income.

I paid someones hotel to help. :)
And still they didn't brag about it.
I payed for 8 people's entree fee and 16 people hotel in advance and I brag about it. Still didn't get my full amount back from last lan when I also payed in advance. I don't seem to learn my lesson.
Haha stupid bitchgay.
Did you like my snapchat?
Rarely checking them.

Need to take shower. Waiting for you.
do you have everyone on snapchat? i thought i was special...
so i guess you got his point "as growing older"... normally people got more money while getting older
nice journal, but i can only help u out with a beer :D
Hol up lil bitch sit down
haha good one jon :D
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