...so who is goin LAN...?

...heard some rumours, talked to some peepz.
just checked a flight. pretty cheap.
dunno how to get from düsseldorf to krefeld, dunno about sleeping in krefeld, never heard about krefeld before tbh.

so tell me, are u in and when and where and how and what?

who brings the popcorn and the beer? who is spec, who gonna play?
where is the bar and how r u?

over and out. cheers =)

related vid:

edit: ok seems im going, found a place in car and found an appartment airbnb 5 min from location for 115 euro for 2 persons. i can share this one with someone who is preferfable known by me. from thursday till monday.

edit2: im bringing my super duper nintendo ds with me for some super mario cart racing.....!
I'll be there from saturday till sunday. Staying in Krefeld Ibis Budget hotel for the night. Will be playing together with xD Trickjump (kapot, fantasy, shaman, sherclock & shjnz). Will also be taking some photographs and putting them on the ET United Facebook page to have some kind of media coverage. I hope the bar is around the corner and I'm 24 years old. Bye.
what if u got a game on friday? :ooo
I play 6on6 only, arent they only saturday/sunday?
nope :/, pmme at irc pls
u rly cant change it without informing the teams :d im pretty sure there r many 6o6 players who will arrive friday evening
nothing changed, we dannounced all formats for all days

i don't know where these rumours come from
das hat mir ein vögelchen zugezwitschert :D dann ist ja gut ;)
ja merk schon, iwie kommen viele sone kommentare und nachrichten, mich wunderts!
I guess many people can pick you up at the airport. Williams and zero offered it to me so I guess there will be more.

The venue is top notch and has it all, no need for a bar outside. Krefeld isn't too big and this event is close to the central station. Taking train from airport takes one hour, which is also an option. You can reach a few cocktail bars and clubs easily.

I think there is a popcorn machine at the venue :d

If you attend you have to play or be noorgrin. And no1 wants to be noorgrin <3
too much pressure
Like Chosen said, I still got a free seat in my car if anyone needs a pick up from the airport in Cologne or Düsseldorf. And we also got a free spot in our amazing Team. ;P
So, don't be a Noorgrin and travel hundret of kilometre without playing. xD
i got a seat in strays car.
what do i need to bring with me? i play since 3 month again!
As far as i know headset, mouse (mousepad), keyboard your config and lots of fun! ;D
ich überleg es mir dieses we :D
Ich erwarte deine Entscheidung bis Sonntag 13:37 Uhr! ;D
Welche Klasse wird denn gesucht ?
alles außer ego medic :d bei uns gibts ne sichere popcorn quelle soweit ich weiß
couchor is flying into there too.. its like 15 min train ride away, kimi getting the bus :D

I will be driving from kaiserslautern via frankfurt airport to pick up Veruna so yeah anyone in the area need a rid can message me
veruna comes?! wtf is going on! nice revival time
Yeah my team is mental, veruna, couchor , samraj and kimi.. Veruna loves me so made it happen ha
nice!!!! really loooking forward!
is it best to get a bus from dusseldorf to krefeld or some a train or something? few of us arriving at the airport thursday morning so we're gonna need to get ourselves to krefeld :D
From what my guys says it's best to get train, it's cheaper and 10 mins away.
alright cool, should make it no problem then
there is a train from airport to krefeld. u need to switch in duisburg once, takes 30 mins at all.
seems around 10 euro per person
but there is also one direct.
Can u be K1ngs new player plz?
too much pressure
Do you bring weed and a nintendo 64? if yes I might consider coming :s
But you must come anyway :3
I so wish I could :(
You are not attending?
I wish you can come fool! =D
Oh :D
First thing you ever said to me when I arrived at LAN was: you want beer?
I don't see anything wrong with that!
Me neither, I think that is th best way to talk to a stranger
beer is always good
ill bring the nintendo and maybe some hash. cooooomeeeee
too much pressure
gonna spec from cro opaaaaa
i will shoutout !
u're the best :)
hafe vun.
how have you been? hope it will be a fun weekend for u
so it wasn't a faker on the public? :P
for sure was me !
i can be roommate, male, 27, surinamese and dutch (above average penis ;)))) but not meant in a pervert way ;)))))) )
way too much pressure
was going for a second then changed my miNd
I will....sadly not attend, as I'm a random player, I don't know any body now, all the players I knew have just vanished!

Sad but true!
ah thtas sad, very sad indeed! but hey we hear and see us on server =)
cant play tomorrow having a gig.

sad very
yop, see you online!
I wanted to go with potty but it's too expensive for me atm (like 200 euro for flight and bus almost :D) normally I spend half that price flying to DUS airport
so potty comes but u r not???! :O
think he's still going!
i'd love to go but really don't have the money to make it. if a miracle happened i'll see you there :D

brb setting up crowdfunding image: 0741
that would be so cool. is noone driving from ur direction? i would spend u some beers and free food at our appartment!
only sqzz and garin are from my area and I don't think they're going/driving 9-10hrs to lan :d
i thought u r at carlas place :(
not anymore :< if I was it's only like 150km drive to krefeld or smth x)
Despite us being here 11 years, it's the first time I notice how similar our user account ID's are.

5767 and 5676. Coincidence? I don't know...
Oh, nice :-D
Great to see that somebody still plays ET. And it's nice to login every year once or so :D
back since january after 7years break :D
It's nice to see ET is still alive. It's going to be my first LAN ever, I'm flying over as a spectator (13 years of ET taught me that I'm slightly better at specting than at playing). I'm hoping to see some nice gaming there!
cu at the popcorn bar!
See you there! Will sort put accommodation with me and rayzed on Facebook as he is currently on holiday and doesn't have a good inet connection. As far as I'm aware he booked an apartment that sleeps up to 4 people. Not sure if that's been confirmed yet or not though
ok so we wait for rayzed on this. would be nice. i can cancel my apartment till mid of may
but not that i have to cook for u all :D:D
Hey DJ, gimme a fat beat!
come and u will get some!
Too much pressure.
i finally noticed how to speak ur name. lol. cu
Oh Hi there
OH, ello there =)
Schnee :o
haha, elllooo =)
cu there or wat?
Not sure yet
if you're into drinking beers, vodka etc - hello
Im dj what do u think
Cu there
im coming so you better get ready

ps. what happens in Krefeld stays in Krefeld :3
Oh wat !!!! Nice looking forward to meet u :)
P.s. Nothing will leave Krefeld
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