What's the name of this map?

image: yEpkbcd
Supply Depot
its the end of crypt 2
don't tell him as long as you don't want this map on klientpro
nie dowiem sie tu to sie dowiem gdzie indziej ;]
yeah totally nobody leaves when pirates comes on klientpro.
would rather play baserace
I think it's HoG_B12_DT, cool map in public, oldschool!
Probably correct, the name of the map at least.

I just remember playing it in some internal 2on2s and 3on3s a few years ago, but don't remember if it was good. :D
'Showerthoughts' on this?
Like a dog with a bone.
yeah correct, it was on the GameArena (Australian ladder) maplist. We had to offer two from the core maps (e.g. Supply, Goldrush, Radar etc.) and could offer any number of other random maps like HoG ("Heart of Gold" I think). A lot of the more casual teams would pick random maps like HoG if offered p:
N'Golo Kanté
and its on the server -.-
no pls no...
Already in klientpro -.-
I really cannot understand ET community and players.
Playing same maps in cycle like adlernest, supply, bremen. Is it not boring?
I just want to run some fun, add map with nice textures and lights, like pirates or HoG. Game is fun, so why someone cannot play 1 nice map after 9 standard maps. It's too big deal? Play or have a 15 minutes break for tea or coffee.
There are many many better maps than for example delivery.
Well to be honest, I dont understand the community aswell.
I do agree some of those maps are cool.

but I rather play the same maps over and over on a full server than an empty server which delivers me the maps where everyone leaves.
Because the maps are fucking shit, that's why they aren't played and people always leave.

Make a server that will be Supply/Deli/Goldrush only and people won't go to any other lmao - or even go full YOLO and recreate xarQi's 24/7 DELI and people won't go to a different server
welllll I kinda disagree, public maps are awesome on public, sd, sw_gr, deli etc are f u c k i n g bullshit on public, on a mass public and also on nbs. happend to enjoy more NQ, jaymod etc on public servers cause the mappool was more fun
Yea there are nice map like decay_b3 Made by dyna thats gonna be very nice if this is gonna be add

+ ET_ice,Erdenberg_t1 these maps are awesome :P no baserace or something its not f******* jaymod double jump

Quoteits not f****** jaymod

decay b3 best map :P ask americans

and i see suggestion about baserace thats gonna be bullshit
First of all - remove levels , remove XPSAVE , remove jaymods maps
kkthxbb :DDDDDD
z ciekawosci - w czym przeszkadza xpsave?
W sumie w niczym, ale można wyjebać bo idea xpsave jest kretyńska po prostu :D
bo tak z ciekawości sobie pomyślałem - po CHUJ ?
bo ci dodaje gwiazdkuw, a więc wincyj hp, mniejszy spread, mniejszy recoil z pistola/snajperki przy 4 gwiazdach.
juz raz doradzales to server byl pusty kkthxbb
+1 brahi
już my to przerabiali
Imo to nie mialo zadnego wplywu tym bardziej, ze to byly poczatki więc chyba logiczne [widocznie nie dla wszystkich] ...jestem pewien, ze jak usunalby lvle , xp save i te mapy to nie zmieniloby teraz NIC
tak tylko pierdole bo juz sa warzywniaki typu hirntot czy tam te caly hbc a brakuje takiego typowego skilled ffa ze zblizonymi ustawieniami do cfg oficial
ja Cie doskonale rozumiem ale to juz nie bedzie to samo co bio czy icp bo te czasy minely fakt faktem ta nowa mapa jest straszna ale reszta jest ok kazdy ma chwile wbija i tyle i tak wiecej ludzi raczej juz szuka gierek na ircu bo wtedy jest lepszy fun niz gra na jakims tam publiku chyba ze ktos lubi nakurwiac na XP wtedy sobie strzela na klientpro. widzisz masz duzo zastrzeżeń ale rzadko grasz bo nie widuje cie czemu ?
e no gram dosc czesto widocznie sie mijamy ;D
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